Less Waste

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Exploring :: The Staffordshire Regimental Museum

Hi there everyone 😀

Following our big day out at Shugborough we had a bit of a more sedate day planned for our next adventure with Bobby.

When we picked him up he was all for just lazing around and having a nice chilled out day … he said he was tired out … following a run of summer holiday days full of activity and fun.

We managed to talk him into one more fun day … with the promise of a chill out day the day after and within two minutes of being in the car he was his usual chatty self … looking forward to the day’s adventures.

This time we weren’t going far … literally just 10 minutes up the road … to The Staffordshire Regiment Museum at Whittington Barracks. It’s somewhere I’ve passed literally 1000s of times but have never visited and have always wondered if it was worth a trip. It was finally time to find out.

We arrived at about 10.30am, just after the museum had opened and were greeted by the sight of half a dozen tanks… all just waiting to be explored. Our first impressions certainly met with Bobby’s approval.

We decided to have a look round the indoor part of the museum first and got checked in and picked up a clipboard with a few ‘trails’ with things for us to look out for.

I was a bit concerned that Bobby wouldn’t be that interested with the indoor display cases, which basically showed the history of the regiment. I needn’t have worried … he is a seven year old boy and there were guns and swords galore … he was in his element …
He was particularly taken with the Morse code machine and had great fun tapping all of our names out in morse code …
We then headed outside to see what else we could find and we actually ended up doing everything a bit back to front but not to worry.

We started off in the air raid shelter, which was very immersive. Bobby wasn’t too keen at first but once we’d explained what it was all about he found it much more interesting …
There was an unexploded bomb …
… an Anderson shelter …
… and a pillbox … all perfect for exploring …
There was a dugout trench …
… and a great tank inspired playground …
During August the museum were holding ‘Discovery Days’ on Tuesdays and Thursdays and, as we’d visited on a Thursday we got to see and hold some real army guns and rifles, which Bobby loved … as did Martin if I’m totally honest …
Finally Bobby got to explore the tanks … something he’d been waiting patiently to do …
The last thing left for us to explore were the WW1 trenches … which were really good …
By now we were all definitely in need of a snack and Martin and I had been hoping for sausage butties from the snack wagon but when given the choice … Bobby opted for the jam sandwiches we’d packed up to take with us.

He didn’t turn down the offer of a tray of cheesy chips though …
All in all we spent about three hours at the museum … far longer than I’d been expecting. There was definitely plenty to see and lots of opportunities for interaction. Bobby gave it a 9.5 out of 10 … though this did increase to a 10 out of 10 by the time we got back home. I would definitely recommend a visit if you get the chance.  

Once back at ours there was just about time to make up a quick boxed cake mix before it was time to drop Bobby back home …


Monday, 19 August 2024

Shugborough NT’s Summer of Play

Hi there everyone 😀

This time last year we had a big day out at Shugborough NT with Mum and Bobby and Jackie, Phil & Erin. It was pretty much a year to the day and we were back again for another summer visit.

We’d tried to think of somewhere different … but we’d had such a lovely time last year … with plenty to keep Bobby and Erin entertained … so we decided to give it another go.

Martin, Mum, Bobby and I had all skipped breakfast so once parked up there was time for a cheeky snack to keep us going …
… before getting checked in for mum’s first scooter experience … which she’d been quite nervous about. She needn’t have worried. She took to it like a duck to water and managed to keep up with us all for the whole day …
In fact she only got off it to go to the loo and to have a walk round the house. She even ate her lunch sat on it.

No sooner than scooter orientation was over Jackie, Phil and Erin arrived and we headed ‘en masse’ for the walled garden, which was looking lovely in the sunshine …
After a sneaky few peas and blackberries we came across the first ‘play’ area where lots of fun was had …
… though it’s fair to say that Erin’s hula hooping does need a bit of practice. We did try to explain that she didn’t need to spin round but she was having none of it. She seemed quite happy though …
Last year pretty much all of the Summer of Play activities had been based in the meadow area at the back of the walled garden. This time it was empty and we were a little disappointed … but not for long. Through the course of the day we found that different areas for play were literally all over the place and in the end we all thought that this year’s arrangement was even better.

From the walled garden we headed up to the farmyard … on a hunt for the soft play, which Bobby and Erin had had great fun on when we last visited. After a bit of a disappointment in not finding it where it was last year we were relieved to find it had been resited for this year. It was actually indoors which was great as it could still be used if the weather was bad. It was also good for those of us on foot to have a nice sit down whilst then little monkeys played for a while …
By now we were all ready for lunch so headed back towards the car park to grab a picnic table. The chaps were sent back to the cars to pick up lunch and it wasn’t long before we were all tucking in …
After lunch mum and Martin set off for the mansion house on their scooters whilst the rest of us opted for the courtesy bus, choosing to save our legs for later. We were all really excited as the bus made its way to the drop off point, passing lots more play activities along the way.

It was just a short walk back to find all kinds of stuff for Bobby and Erin to do. A pirate ship made from hay bales … lots of balancing activities … and a space hopper maze to be bounced around …
Now I have to say that at this point Bobby did go a bit crazy. The space hopper went down really well and he definitely let off some steam …
Erin was a lot more ladylike …
It was time to just calm it down a bit so we took advantage of the teepee and had a few minutes chill out before resuming activities …
It was then onto archery, which both Phil and Bobby had a good go it …
Erin was happy to find a spot in the shade and watch …
By now we were all starting to flag a bit and it was pretty hot so it was definitely ice cream time …
Last year we hadn’t gone into the mansion house as Bobby and Erin weren’t bothered. This time they were both very keen to go inside … so we did.

I’ve been round the mansion house a number of times and I’ve never really found it that child friendly. This visit the NT had definitely upped their game with brilliant discovery bags and activities for the little ones, which went down really well … especially the tape measure … with Bobby insisting on measuring everything he saw.

Whilst Bobby was measuring … Erin had a lovely five minute chill with grandad … curled up on the sofa for a story.

The house was definitely a success so well done and thank you National Trust.

We were really flagging by now … well mum and Martin were ok on their trampers, but the rest of us just had about enough energy for one last push and decided to have a walk round the formal gardens …
This took longer than expected as we found another area of play activities …
… then we decided to head for the red bridge as I’d not been that way before …
It was really pretty and we spotted another sign for more play … this time it was basketball … but we just didn’t have the energy so talked Bobby out of this one … instead heading back along the river …
… and to the queue for the bus back to the car park … we just couldn’t walk any further.

We’d had another fabulous day. We’d all really enjoyed it. The scooters had been brilliant for mum, who is 81 and struggling with a bad hip, and Martin, who is waiting for a new knee. There had been soooooo much for Bobby and Erin to do and if they’re happy then we are all happy too.

Finally … we managed to kind of recreate our photo from last year … 
… though I’m not sure it was quite as cute this time …
