Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy Easter Everyone!

I just wanted to wish everyone a really great Easter.  Two Bank holidays!!  One of my favourite times of year.  I hope you all have a great break.
I am praying for sunshine as we have a huge list of outside jobs that we've been saving.  If it rains we really are scuppered.
As we are going to be so busy I am going to have to go 'cold turkey' on the blogging front, as I can get a bit carried away and end up doing nothing else.  So, I thought I'd share with you what my top 10 priorities are for the Easter weekend and we can all meet back here next Tuesday and I can let you know how I got on.
  1. Replace the fence in the front garden
  2. Paint one of the raised vegetable beds
  3. Build the temporary greenhouse
  4. Have mum and dad round for dinner
  5. Visit my brother and his girlfriend
  6. Pot on all of the seeds that we planted a few weeks ago
  7. Do more planting - parsnips, salad, courgettes, carrots and more beetroot
  8. Take out the Pineapple Broom - sorry, it's got to go
  9. Geocaching maintenance
  10. Replace the shed roof
Martin, if you're reading this list here for the first time ....... sorry sweetheart, we are going to be really busy, but don't worry, you can go back to work on Tuesday for a rest.
So that's what we'll be up to, I'd love to hear your plans.
Here's a quick reminder of what our fence looks like, as a blog without pictures is just boring.
Back soon .......

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