Monday, 19 January 2015

A Week in the Life ...

Last week was a funny old week. 

Martin headed off for the first of his, every other year, week long trip to Larbert in Scotland with work, with plenty of bad weather, including heavy snow, forecast. I waved him off on Sunday lunchtime in a big white van full of bits of rail and plenty of warm clothing. 

I had a bit of a surprise planned whilst he was away and, within 20 minutes of him heading off, I had made a start on a bit more decorating in the guest bedroom. This is a project that has been ongoing now for nearly a year. We are beginning to wonder if it will ever be finished. 

Whilst he was away I was hoping to get all of the airing cupboard woodwork and doors prepped, painted and re-hung. A small goal, I know, but progress all the same. 

He phoned at 5pm to say there was a problem with the van and he was at Southway services on the M6 waiting for an engineer. Happy days!! He finally arrived at 8pm, having left home at 12.00. He was not the happiest of bunnies. 

He had plenty of snow whilst he was away and we had just a little bit overnight here. 

I also had a few craft projects in mind for having a go at whilst he was away, including a few more bracelets and a start on my decoupage. That coupled with trips to the dentist and the doctor and a school governors meeting made for a pretty busy week. At least I wouldn't have chance to miss him too much. 

The bracelet making went well with no problems and you can see how I got on here. 

The decoupage experience was a bit mixed. I am trying to 'up cycle' some old table mats and coasters I have. When they are done I will do a post giving more detail of how I did it but for now here is a before and after of the first coaster that I've done. I'm quite pleased with it. 

The table mat didn't go so well and ended up covered in bubbles and creases so I pretty much had to pull it apart and will have to start again. I'll keep you posted with how I get on. 

Martin was due back on Friday and we were due to go and see our almost sister-in-law, Alison, in her 'Am Dram' performance of the Copacabana at The Brewhouse Theatre in Burton-on-Trent.

Luckily Martin managed to get away from Larbert early, avoid the snow and any bad traffic and made it back just in time for what was a very colourful and flamboyant show to start off the weekend.

Alison played Conchita Alvarez and looked just amazing as you can see for yourself!

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