Friday 12 February 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: February 2021 #2 ... Starts with a 'W'

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

The theme for this week's photo scavenger hunt, hosted by Kate over on I live, I love, I craft, I am me is ... Starts with a 'W'.

For me this was definitely cause to take a trip down memory lane and remember the lovely boy that was William ... the loveliest bundle of white fluff that decided he wanted to move in with us, even though he had a very good home of his own, with his twin brother Harry, across the road.

We didn't feed him, but we couldn't help but love him and it got to the point where really he just used to head for home for breakfast and dinner ... we did feel a bit guilty at times but the neighbours didn't seem to mind and we would often get a knock on our front door from a kindly passer by asking us to let 'our' cat in as he was crying his heart out on the doorstep.

Sadly William is no more but Martin and I still have very fond memories of him. His twin, Harry, did visit occasionally, mainly when his owners were on holiday, but now they have moved so we don't see him either ... that's not to say the garden is totally feline free πŸ˜€

Apologies that the pictures aren't that great but they do really show his character ... he was literally into everything ...

If you want to read a bit more about William he was the subject of my 2nd ever blog post, which you can read here 🐱



  1. I've just read your original post, and what a lovely selection of photos, I love the one of him sitting in the pan :) William may not have been 'officially' yours but he was as good as, he certainly looks at home there anyway. So sorry you lost him, it's so hard when they leave us :(

    1. He certainly left a big hole ... he was such a character πŸ˜ƒ

  2. He's lovely! We once had a tabby called Mickey that would camp at our house for most of the day. We found out that he had several 'homes' to visit and be fed. He moved away when one of his homes moved; later we learnt that he had his own bag of M&S prawns in the freezer... Thanks for reminding me about him.

    1. I think it’s true that cats definitely have the final say on where they live πŸ˜ƒ

  3. He certainly looks full of character, in all sorts of strange places. CN x

    1. He certainly gave us plenty to smile about ... he was so sociable πŸ˜ƒ

  4. One very cheeky cat & ever so white. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs from down under.

    1. Very cheeky and not always so white πŸ˜‚. Sometimes he wok,d visit and he looked like he’d been a coal hole πŸ˜ƒ

  5. Oh sweet William! what a lovely cat and yes - he is into everything!

    1. Yes the most soppy and good natured cat we’ve had the pleasure to know ... we still miss him now πŸ˜ƒ

  6. Replies
    1. Yes ... it was certainly a sad day when the neighbour let us know that he’d gone πŸ˜ƒ

  7. Awe, what an absolute sweetheart he was, certainly quite the character. You were so lucky to be his 2nd family, but he was lucky with you too!

    1. We did feel very privileged to have been chosen ... we do still miss him now ... can’t say I miss the white hair everywhere though πŸ˜‚

  8. Replies
    1. Yes he was ... he had one bright blue eye and one green ... he was so loving and used to spend lot of time curled up with Martin on the sofa πŸ˜ƒ

  9. William looks and sounds such a character. So nice that he found and chose you guys for his home away from home. What a lovely boy.

    1. Yes we were very lucky and pleased that the neighbours didn’t seem to mind too much πŸ˜ƒ

  10. What a lovely cat and how lucky you were to be his second home. Sorry he had to move away. Love the way cats have to sit in everything, but a saucepan is a new one to me. In winter Jak used to lie in the bathroom basin after B had shaved, when it would still be warm from the hot water. xx

  11. Yes William also loved to get in the bath ... when it was empty. He would just roll and slide around ... we could spend ages watching him, he was so funny πŸ˜ƒ

  12. How extraordinary that he took to you like that. He looks like he was a very intelligent cat, so he obviously loved the extra stimulation of two families!

    1. Yes it was strange how he chose us. He started appearing not long after we lost our own cat. It was almost as though he knew there was a space that needed filling πŸ˜ƒ

  13. So funny - brilliant pictures. Once when I moved house, an elderly woman came past to say she'd miss my cat! Apparently she (the cat) had been visiting 3 houses regularly with a nice meal in each and a wee soft place to curl up in lol. Looks like your William had you well sussed out :)

    1. They are so funny aren’t they... I remember talking out front to the neighbour who owned him and she looked in our front window and said ... is that our William? He was only sat on the window sill looking out ... fortunately she didn’t mind and as just happy that people were looking out for him πŸ˜ƒ


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.