Friday 19 February 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: February #3 ... Unexpected

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I can't quite believe it's Friday again already and time to link up with Kate's photo scavenger hunt over on I live, I love, I Craft, I am me.

The word for inspiration this week is ... unexpected.

I decided to both keep it simple this week and go with something new ...
I'm not sure if you will have seen the blog post about the 'Art Class in a Box' I treated myself to with some Christmas money ... but this is my first creation and to say the outcome was 'unexpected' is an understatement!

I will be blogging more about our dining room table art session, but for someone who has always considered themselves to be totally useless at art of the painting kind I was pretty chuffed with how it turned out πŸ˜€



  1. That picture is lovely. I'm from the 'can't draw, can't paint' group so I understand your happiness.

    1. Thank you ... I almost can’t quite believe how it’s turned out. I’m really looking forward to starting the next project ... though that does look trickier ... I’m sure I will be sharing the results though πŸ˜ƒ

  2. That picture is really lovely and the frame really does it justice. Well done. By the way, I am also a Carol, Kate's mother. Jak was the name of our much beloved cat years ago.

    1. Ahhhh thank you for introducing yourself ... I had kind of thought there must be some connection from some of the comments you have made ... it’s nice to know how people are linked together. Thank you for taking the time to comment ... it’s always lovely to hear from you πŸ˜ƒ

  3. Wow, that's a great idea - I'm also from the can't paint camp but have been really enjoying messing with paints lately - well done on actually painting something that looks like something lol.

    1. I couldn’t quite believe how it turned out. There was a practice tutorial which definitely helped with confidence ... can’t wait to have a go at the next one πŸ˜ƒ

  4. I can't draw or paint to save my life but your 'art class in a box' sounds intriguing. Well done on your painting, it's lovely :)

    1. Thank you ... and that is exactly what I would have said about my ability ... I have to admit to being quite proud of the finished article ... Just got to find a space for it to hang now πŸ˜ƒ

  5. What an absolutely beautiful picture and I love the simple way you've mounted and framed it. It would make a lovely Christmas card too!

    1. Thank you ... yes the frame certainly did lift the finished article no end ... just a fluke really that I had it ... though I did have to sacrifice an art print πŸ˜‚

  6. Well done & see, you aren't useless at art, but I definitely can only paint furniture or such. Think the "art in a box" sounds good. Look forward to seeing more. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you ... I must admit I was often the same at work ... it was always the tasks I thought would be the hardest and didn’t want to do that I put off and then when I finally built up to doing them there were easier than I thought they would be πŸ˜ƒ

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you ... can’t wait to crack on with the next project ... watch this space πŸ˜ƒ


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