Hi there everyone 😀
After a week of blue skies and sunshine we came home from the lodge to a Sunday of cold and rain.
Somehow we were very organised … with all the unpacking having been done on Saturday afternoon after we’d got home … and we found ourselves at a bit of a loose end on Sunday.
It was the perfect opportunity to make a start on my goal of decluttering the whole of the house before I hit my 60th birthday in November.
I decided we’d start small and hit the upper cupboards in the kitchen, which were overdue a tidy and wipe out anyway. Now I’m not sure how interesting my kitchen cupboards will be to anyone else but I kind of think that documenting my decluttering might help keep me on track and give me more of a chance of achieving this goal.
We (Yes … poor old Martin got roped in too) started off with the open shelving next to the fridge, which had become a bit of a dumping ground for a variety of random bits and pieces …
After a sort through the tins I ended up transferring some leftover walnuts and a bag of very out of date sunflower seeds to the bird food supplies … I also had a good sort through and pack away of the medication …
… and put the pasta and the savoury biscuits in the food cupboard where they really belong. It is now looking back to how it should …
Next it was one of those corner cupboards, where it is a pain in the jacksie if you want anything from the back. Other than taking everything out, giving the cupboard a good wipe out and getting rid of this small glass dish …
… everything went back in as it was …
Then it was the cupboard to the left of the cooker …
Again … it was emptied out, given a good wipe, all the plastic tubs matched up with lids and pretty much everything went back in …
The only casualties were the dribs and drabs of two vinegar bottles, which either out of date or looking a bit ropey …
This is just a handy tip you may find useful … we bought one of these cafe order strips from Amazon and we keep our shopping list, freezer inventory and weekly meal planner here … it is so handy …
The cupboard over the top of the hob was next and didn’t take much sorting …
… I just discarded a number of lids to takeaway cartons as we seemed to have a lot more lids than containers … we find these really useful, especially for freezing batch cooking, and more environmentally friendly than using lots of plastic bags …
On the right hand side of the cooker there was nothing to be got rid of …
Then we were at the other corner unit …
… where I decided I could let a few bits and pieces go … how many corn plasters do two people who do not have corns need anyway?
The last of the upper cupboards is a full height glass fronted one … so you can see all of the contents …
It was emptied, rearranged a bit, the kilner jars were restocked and the majority of it all went back in … though the additional tea bags were resited …
Whilst we were feeling invigorated we did also have a sort through Martin’s knife drawer …
… where we said good bye to a useless pair of scissors and an even more useless knife sharpener …
We hadn’t actually got rid of much stuff …
… but I’m happy with that as the kitchen had been Konmari’d a few years ago, so it was good to see that more stuff had not accumulated.
I know it’s going to be a big job to work through the whole of the house, especially the garden sheds, but at least I’ve made a start and … there are a fair few other areas that have already gone through the process, be it some time ago, so hopefully we will see some quick wins 😀