Monday 16 January 2017

Beautiful Britain - Stonehenge - Wiltshire

It does seem like an age ago now but we decided to call in for a visit to Stonehenge on the way back from our holiday in The New Forest back in October.

Although we've both driven past and seen the site from the road, neither of us have ever actually visited the site and, as entry is free for National Trust members, it seemed like a good call for a break in our journey.

The site has changed a lot over the years ... it is clearly a big business and it was very busy.

As well as the stones there is loads of parking, a visitor centre showing how the site has changed over the years and a reconstructed Neolithic village.
To get to the stones we opted to take the bus, which runs constantly back and forth and only takes a few minutes.

It was a bit grey and overcast on our visit and the site of the stones was very busy, so we weren't that hopeful of getting any decent photos, but we didn't do too badly. It was seriously 'selfie city', I've never seen so many selfie sticks.

Not wanting to be left out we jumped on the bandwagon ...
... before having a bit of a wander and trying to take a few photos for the album ...
There is quite a bit more of the site that you can explore, with other interesting bits and pieces to see, but we didn't stay long.

We caught the bus back to the visitor centre, where our plan was to have lunch before heading for home.

We had a quick look in the shop, which was full of very uninspiring tourist nonsense and ended up feeling the same about the cafe, so decided to give it a miss.

All in all we were a bit disappointed, had we not been National Trust members, I don't think we would have felt that the entrance fee was anywhere near value for money.

It all just felt a little bit overdone. I guess that's the price to be paid for maintaining this kind of site for years to come.

We are really glad we visited, its one of the places that kind of has to be seen to be believed, but I'm not sure its a place that we would be likely to visit for a second time.


  1. Amazing place to visit, but could definitely do without the tourist tat on offer.

  2. Replies
    1. It certainly is an experience like no others Elena. Thanks for taking the time to comment πŸ˜ƒ


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