Friday 3 September 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: September #1 ... School

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I can't quite believe it's September already, though the signs are there ... the cooler temperatures, the impact of less sunshine on the solar powered garden lights, the leaves starting to fall and the first week of Astrid's photo scavenger hunt for a new month.

Our first challenge for September is ... School.

Well … I just had to share the fact that this little munchkin starts school next week …
He is so ready … when I ask him what he thinks he will learn at school he always has the same response … Everything … and he says it so seriously and with such a sense of wonder … he is an absolute delight.

I’m not quite sure that he understands the associated consequences just yet … earlier bedtimes, no spontaneous weekday outings, that it will last for quite some time and all of that sitting still, being quiet and listening.

I’m sure he will love it and we will all miss our random outings far more than he will … but we will just have to make the most of the weekends and school holidays.

It’s been a fair few years since I was at school. I only really kept in touch with a couple of people as very close friends but we had a reunion a few years back which was a good chance to reconnect with those that I’d lost touch with.

I’m not sure if I’ve shared these photos here before but here a few from our school days … not sure if you will recognise me or not … 

… and here, for those who are interested, is my last report card … definitely looks like I could have put in more effort but hey ...
I have to confess that I did go on to fail both Maths and German, though I re-took my Maths 'O' Level at college and passed it second time around ... good job really as I ended up with a career in banking and finance πŸ˜€

See you next week for pizza ... something I love dearly but not sure whether I will be able to find any photos πŸ˜€



  1. I'm no good at looking at photos taken years ago and identifying someone, so I'll give this a miss. Your report reminded me of what my mother said years ago. I was not living at home and she decided that I would not want any school reports etc so threw them away.... sigh. I hope the little fellow enjoys school. It will be a big change for him. Fingers crossed for him.

    1. It was interesting reading through the comments on the report … it didn’t feel like I was only putting in ‘average’ effort at the time … I was far more interested in PE though … amazing really seeing as exercise doesn’t rank high on my list of priorities or interests now πŸ˜ƒ

  2. I don't think I have any school reports anymore. But they mostly contained comments like 'Carol could do better'. Though I did pass my 'O' levels and Cambridge examinations. Did anyone ever use Algebra after school, I never did but can still remember Pythagoras theorem!!πŸ˜ƒ

    1. I think I must have just done enough to get by … after I got my ‘O’ Level results (I got 7 Cs) I did wonder how well I would have done if I’d scored higher on the effort side … but I did ok and don’t think I would have made any different choices had I achieved higher grades. I went to college from school and did a Diploma in Business Studies which I found far more interesting. Yes I too can still remember Pythagorus and the first line of The Merchant of Venice πŸ˜ƒ

  3. Replies
    1. Spot on! We used to lay for the school tea, on a Saturday morning and then Tamworth’s 3rd or 4th team on the afternoon … oh to have that energy now πŸ˜ƒ

    2. That should say play for the school team … though laying in and tea are both of far more interest to me now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. I do like what you've come up with and hope the young man enjoys school as much as he thinks he will. I have all my report papers which my mother did keep and I found when we were helping her clear out many years ago. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan … I hope so too. I didn’t keep lots of stuff from my school days, but I do have all of my reports and my old hymn book of all things. Take care πŸ˜ƒ

  5. I bet he's excited for school, so much to learn! I totally understand about missing doing random fun stuff, I still miss that.
    So where are you in the photos? Those are great!
    Good for you posting your grades, I'm glad I don't know where mine are and I hope my parents don't have them stashed somewhere.
    Thanks for joining in and I'm looking forward to pizza time!

    1. He had a wonderful first day … he loved everything and can’t wait to go back. I am front left in the hockey photo and front row second from the left on the class photo, laughing crazily and pointing at our prefect’s wellies πŸ˜ƒ


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