Friday 10 September 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: September #2 ... Pizza

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

This week's challenge from Astrid is one of my favourite things ever to eat … I just love pizza.

I remember when I was working and it was my 40th birthday. We were at a team meeting and a very close colleague had done a pass the parcel game with witty quips written about me in between the layers … the one that I always remember warned all of my colleagues that they should never challenge me to see who could eat the most pizza on the famous Pizza Hut eat all you can buffet, as I would always win.

Over the years my visits to the likes of Pizza Hut, Pizza Express, Prezzo and the like have waned a bit and my pizza eating days seem to have slipped into the odd supermarket pizza or Martin’s home made efforts ....which are pretty decent I have to say … though I never can resist a calzone if it’s on the menu.

Considering how much I love pizza on my first trawl of the archives I couldn’t find that many photos but after a really good hunt through my phone I came up with these …

I retired from work in January 2014 and in September I had my first catch up with some of my old colleagues. I was based in Swindon, though I live in The Midlands, and we met up at Gloucester Quays for a bit of shopping, a good catch up ...
... and a Pizza Express al fresco lunch ...
Martin and I were back in our local Pizza Express later that year as we stopped off for tea on our way out for a pre-Christmas treat ...
We were off to see Andre Rieu and his orchestra in Birmingham and what a spectacle it was. It was so full of colour ... from the very first moment that the musicians all marched onto the stage till the very last moment ... and their backdrops were just amazing ...
Onto 2014 and there was another Gloucester catch up ... this time we opted for Zizzi and, as well as pizza, there was cake ...

This is the only capture of one of Martin’s culinary pizza delights I could find … Brussels sprouts and bacon …

I actually included the recipe for this one on my blog. You can find it here.

We then did try something just a little bit random ... following a trip to Ikea. We were on a bit of a ... trying to eat more healthy phase ... and decided we would give Ikea's 'Ryvita pizza' a go. It was ok ... but we haven't made a repeat purchase ...

In 2018 Martin and I had a bit of a spontaneous day out to the seaside ... something that we don't often do as we live pretty much as far away from the coast as you can get in the UK. We went to Weston-Super-Mare, the weather was amazing and we had an absolutely fabulous day. We finished it off with a meal sitting in the sunshine on a terrace overlooking the sea ...
I think the pizza was all the better for the sunshine, the view, the day we'd had and the place we were sitting ...

in January of 2019 we had a family meal out to celebrate Alison's 40th birthday. This was the night that dad got sparkly ...
Bobby was pretty keen on the pizza too ...

My last pictures are the latest ones I have and are of one of the nicest pizzas I've ever had and it was definitely the best spot ever to eat them ... we were at a beach bar/cafΓ© on the Isle of Wight and it really was idyllic ...

I definitely can't beat this one so I will leave it there. 

It's time for tea and I am so gutted that we aren't having pizza πŸ˜‹



  1. I must apologise, I was so sure I had commented on your post. I have read it a few times, thinking how yummy all your pizza pictures looked. Brussels, now there is a new one. We both love sprouts, but Kate calls them the 'spawn of the devil'!! Ryvita bases, not sure about that. They are pretty, but no, do not appeal to me. Have a good week and hope your 'fall' experience was not too bad. πŸ˜ƒπŸ•


    1. No I wouldn’t recommend the ryvita pizza, though good on the calorie front I guess. Haha … I’m a bit stiff and bruised but will live to fight another day πŸ˜€

  2. Great looking pizza pictures and I agree that the last one is the best, considering the view etc. I do not like Brussel sprouts so will not be round to sample that pizza when it is next made! As for the Ryvita base, I think I'll stick with what I know and like!

    1. It was a really lovely spot on the front at Sandown on the Isle of Wight. It was one of those glorious days when being by the sea is the best thing ever. πŸ˜ƒ

  3. All of those pizzas look delicious, but the one with a seaside view looks like the perfect place to eat!
    I'm not sure the guys would try the brussel sprouts, they're happy with the jalapenos and onions.
    I took my Mom to see Andre Rieu years ago in Baltimore, what a treat it was! Although we didn't enjoy pizza beforehand.
    Maybe the Ryvita crust wouldn't be too bad if it was broken up and used as a cracker for pizza dip?! Looks pretty though.
    Thanks for sharing the yumminess of pizza!

    1. Andre Rieu was amazing … a real spectacle … I would love to see him in Maastricht, but can’t imagine we ever will. Yes that seaside bar was the most perfect spot to spend an afternoon eating pizza enjoying the sunshine and the view πŸ˜ƒ


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.