Friday 24 September 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: September #4 ... Ball

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

The theme that Astrid has set for us for this week's photo scavenger hunt is ... Ball πŸ™ˆ

After a quick scratch of my head and a slower trawl of the archives I'm come up with a bit of a varied selection ... 

This is one of the box balls in our front garden ... before and after it's annual trim ...

Fun in the garden for our very own ... Garden Olympics ... if you want to read more about our Garden Olympic event you can do here ...

Dad loved coming round for family get togethers in the garden and he always threw himself into whatever we were doing. This is one of my favourite photos of him ... having such fun ... you can just see the ball, be it a little blurry, at the top right of the photo ...
Whilst I don't do lots of knitting or crocheting I did go through a phase of buying lots of yarn ...
To be fair this selection was bought with a specific purpose in mind ...
In July 2019 Martin and I took a day trip to Kew to see the Chihuly Reflections on Nature Exhibition, which was amazing ... you can read more about it here.

This exhibit was in the Japanese Gardens and was called ... the 'Niijima Floats'. We couldn't decide whether they more resembled a giant game of marbles or another far away planetary system ...

The allium is one of my favourite flowers ... 

This ball I get excited about every year ... I love Strictly ... especially Halloween week ...

Funnily enough, out of the blue, after all my hunting ... my nephew sent me these photos. This is Nancy, my great niece. She's not long had her first birthday and was helping sort out the hockey balls whilst watching nanny, my sister, play ...
That seems like a good place to wrap up for the photo scavenger hunt for September. For the next couple of weeks I am going to have very limited access to archives so it will be interesting to see what I manage to come up with ... can't wait to see what Astrid has in store for us πŸ˜€



  1. You have made me sit here and say but I could have used a similar photo! No idea why I did not think of allium ball flowers etc. The Kew garden photos are lovely and the Niijima Floats would look great in my garden! Fingers crossed Astrid does not make the next set of words too hard!!!

    1. Haha … I quite often look at other posts and think … well why didn’t I think of that. The sculpture exhibition at Kew was amazing … it was our first visit to the gardens and we weren’t disappointed. Hard to do it justice in just a day visit though πŸ˜ƒ

  2. What amazing pictures of Kew Gardens. We visited when we were here in the UK from Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) in 1951. I don't remember much except I was bored! Thank you for sharing your visit. Love your selection of pictures this week.πŸ˜ƒ

    1. I can understand why you may have found it boring … it is so big and spread out. We didn’t see it all … just stuck to the sculptures, which I guess gave it a whole new feel. We normally tend to visit smaller gardens with more flowers than parkland, but we did love Kew πŸ˜ƒ

  3. The Niijima Floats are amazing! what where they made of? Definitely giant marbles :D

    1. They are made from glass … he really does do some incredible sculptures that really look at one with nature πŸ˜ƒ

  4. You had great photos for ball! It looks like everyone had fun playing, especially your Dad.
    Oooh, I love the pumpkin, it turned out great!
    Those do look like huge marbles, very colourful.
    Little Nancy is adorable and perfect timing to receive those pics!

    1. Dad really did love our garden get togethers, when all the family would get together and eat lots and have lots of fun πŸ˜ƒ


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