Wednesday 9 May 2018

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - May, Days 1-7

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

So, here we are, in the midst of what feels like a bit of a heat-wave, for the first of my new series of Joy in the Everyday Ordinary posts.

I am going to be trying to capture a photograph each day which reflects something that either made me smile or brought me joy. Something that perhaps is just part of the everyday ordinary and isn't quite significant enough to make a post of its own, but is worth capturing for the memory, even if it was just a moment.

Depending on how I get on it could well become a regular feature so here we go with what I think captures our first seven days of May. I hope you like it ...
Day 1 - After a bit of a bleak week it was lovely to wake up to blue skies and sunshine for the start of a new month. I wandered round the garden in my dressing gown and captured this shot of the Morello cherry, which was looking amazing. It was a day of running errands and finishing off my lavender hearts for my first craft fair of the year later this month, and an evening out with old work friends for good food and an even better catch up
Day 2 - There was no sign of sunshine this morning, it was bleak, grey and very wet. Martin had a hospital appointment and we knew it would be pretty much an all day affair so we put dinner in the slow cooker, I packed a bag of books, crochet, magazines, snacks and a drink and we headed out. By the time we were not far up the road the sun came out and the rape fields looked pretty spectacular. We couldn't stop to take a photo but we did manage to on the way back ... it was a real vibrant shot of colour to the countryside
Day 3 - Rocky road ready for a 'crafty morning' I will be attending on Saturday. It's the first time I've been and I was really excited and just needed to decide what to take to work on. I certainly had plenty to choose from

Day 4 - We had a big day out at Coughton Court, NT, with our good friends Jackie & Phil, on a week day! It was a glorious day and there was lots to see. We will definitely be visiting again
Day 5 - What a day ... I spent the morning with a group of other crafty ladies just crafting and chatting the morning away, with sandwiches and cake thrown in. Then Martin and I made the most of the sunshine and spent the afternoon in the garden with a bit of gentle pottering
Day 6 - We woke up to another bright, bright, bright, bright sunshiny day. After a few days out and about the house was a complete tip, mainly down to me, craft stuff all over the place, pots all over the kitchen from last night's dinner and a big pile of ironing hanging around but tidying was not on the cards. We’d been waiting for the right weather for the chance to clear out the shed and today was it. It was with trepidation of what was to come ... but excitement at getting a job done that had been on the list for about two years ... as we opened the door

Day 7 - Nine years ago today, at the Inn on the Lake, in Glenridding in the Lake District, Martin & I got married. We had a wonderful day and have had lots of fabulous adventures since. I can not tell a lie ... we are very different and on occasion he can drive me crazy, but I do love him and our life together to bits, and am looking forward to lots more fun and adventures together. The photo is the anniversary present he got me, a kit to make my own wire sculpted fairy for the garden, a reminder of our trip to Trentham in the Autumn


  1. Loving the cherry blossom & the wire fairy kit 😊

    1. Still building up the courage to have a go at the wire fairy, think it might have to a bit of a joint effort πŸ˜ƒ


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.