Thursday 24 January 2019

50 Things to do before I'm 60 - What's Next?

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Following my post earlier this week you will have seen how I am getting on with the first 30 of the things I want to do before I hit 60 in 2024 ... it seems like ages away I know, but I am sure that it will come round really quickly.

My overall aim this year is to make sure that I have fully completed at least 25 of these things before my 55th birthday in November ... the halfway point.

That leaves me with just two things to complete this year, and actually I've already achieved one of them, so I would say I'm in with a very good chance and should manage to even get a little bit ahead.

So, what do I want to do this year ...

25 - Finish telling Will Sidney's WW1 story and decide what to do with his memorabilia
With regards to Will's story I only have a few more posts to share so I am really going to try and make sure that I do get this finished this year. This will actually be quite fitting as it will be 100 years since Will was discharged from the Yorks & Lancs. We will then need to decide what we want to do with all of his papers and bits and pieces. Will we share them with a museum or will we just keep them tucked away for posterity?

20 - Go up Snowdon on the Railway and 29 - Visit Portmeirion
I am so determined that I will achieve both of these when we are holidaying in North Wales in May, so I am very hopeful of being able share our experiences with lots of photos with you later in the year.

31 - Celebrate our 10th Wedding Anniversary
I can't quite believe that this year it will have been 10 years since we got married at The Inn on the Lake in Glenridding in The Lake District ...
I know it might seem that this will be an easy goal to achieve this year, but it is one I included on my list back when I started writing these posts but just haven't got round to sharing.

I'm not sure whether we will celebrate in any particular way ... we will be away on holiday on the actual date of our anniversary, but it will feel like a real achievement to have made it to the 10 year mark. I know that, compared to lots of people it's not actually that long ... I have lots of friends my age who have been married for over 25 years, but for me, it's something that I will be happy to have achieved πŸ’œ

32 - Visit the Longleat Festival of Light
This is another one of those events that I've wanted to visit for years and we actually managed to do this in November 2018. I still have to share my posts about our visit, but it was absolutely spectacular and we took lots of photos ... I think this was one of my favourite bits ...

33 - Turn one of my photos into some form of art
I think I have a plan for this one. When we visited Maryport on the North West coast last March, we both pretty much fell in love with the lighthouse. I did toy with the idea of turning one of my photographs into a cross stitch pattern ... but cross stitching and my eyesight aren't a good match these days.
What I've ended up deciding is that I am going to try and create a mosaic on an old slate tile which will be displayed somewhere in the garden. If this goes well I may try and do the same for other lighthouses we visit, but it's early days ... and let's face it ... it took me five years to build up to have a go at my first effort at mosaic!

34 - Hold an afternoon tea party in the garden
This one will be a bit weather dependent but I am hoping to be able to host at least a couple of quintessentially English afternoon teas in the garden this year ... as a bit of a change from BBQ'ing.

I gave a couple of sets of friends vouchers for this in the Christmas Advent calendars that I put together and I know they are all definitely up for it ... so we will definitely need to make sure that we make it happen ...

I think that's it for now. Whilst it seems a bit weird not including a 35th goal, just to end on a number ending in five, not that I have an OCD problem at all, I think there is enough to be going on with and, looking at the other things I want to do, I really can't see any more of them being achieved this year.

I will be back later in the year to let you know how I am getting on. How about you? Have you set any goals for this year? Drop me a comment and let me know ... I'd love to hear from you πŸ˜€



  1. I love your 50 things before 60 series 😊

  2. Thanks Netty ... it is certainly helping to focus the mind rather than just drifting aimlessly through retirement ... though of course on occasion that’s quite nice too πŸ˜ƒ


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