Monday 11 March 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - March, 1-10

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well after two months of taking it slowly I am back with my series of Joy in the Everyday Ordinary posts.

According to the meteorological calendar the first day of March is officially the first day of spring so it feels like a good time to get back into the swing of life in general, dust off the camera and start capturing those ordinary everyday things that either make me smile or give me cause for gratitude.

It’s also time to start thinking about the year ahead, booking holidays and days out, getting started in the garden and just generally starting to make more of the longer days and enjoying the beginnings of blue skies and warm sunshine.

We have our first break away booked for later in the month when we are off to the lovely Yorkshire Dales ... where we hope to get out and about, do a gentle bit of wandering and exploring and just generally have a chilled out week in the depth of the countryside enjoying whatever the weather decides to throw at us.

For now ... this is our March so far ...
Day 1 - I managed to have a last minute push and finished off my 'Hello Spring' embroidery hoop just in time for propping on my mantel for the first day of the new season.
Day 2 - Saturday, and I spent the morning at the hair dressers, just chilling, whilst Martin gave the pergola a coat of wood preserver, which was another big job ticked off the 'getting the garden ready for summer' to do list.
Day 3 - After the last few days of sunshine ... today was spent at the sewing machine making up stocks of peg bags for summer craft fairs, whilst the rain came down for pretty much the whole of the day.
Day 4 - After patiently watching the buds fatten up on the magnolia we were treated to the sight of the first flowers starting to burst forth. It's always a treat to see the magnolia start to flower as it was a wedding gift so it always reminds us that an anniversary is not too far away.

Day 5 - I finally got to make a start of a new sewing project that I have wanted to have a go at for a while ... non-flowery bunting. I managed to get lots of cutting out done, but was stopped in my tracks when I got my sewing machine out and now can't get any further before essential repairs have been carried out. It was really good to get started though and I think I'm really going to like the end result.

Day 6 - Martin was back at work, having been off for a good old while, and I actually had a very productive day. Caught up with a couple of weeks worth of ironing, cleaned a bedroom and the bathroom and made a scrummy cheese, leek and potato pie for tea.

Day 7 - Tiny spring daffs from the garden. I don't normally pick these but there are just so many this year I couldn't resist. They are a fab pop of colour in the otherwise pretty dreary looking borders. Having a few on the kitchen window sill has been a real treat especially with the rain continuing to lash down ... the sunshine of last week definitely being a thing of the past.
Day 8 - It was International Women's Day and I was off to Gloucester for a catch up with some lovely ladies and their little ones. I was up bright and early for my walk to the station to catch the train, where I was able to sit, chill and while away an hour gazing at the passing world, before having a day full of chat, mooching about and eating. I just had to stop and capture a shot of this spring blossom on my walk to the station.
Day 9 - Having been out all day yesterday the weekly shop was postponed until Saturday, so we started off with a lunchtime treat in our favourite spot before braving the crowds.

Day 10 - Sunday and we had a really nice day at home just catching up with a bit of housework, some general lolling about, finished off with a 'winner winner' chicken dinner, before settling down for some Sunday evening TV ... perfect. The weather today alternated between pretty much all of the seasons but I did manage to nip out back to capture the magnolia again, which in the space of a week has gone from having it's first bloom to being in full flower.

So there you have it, my first Joy in the Everyday Ordinary posts for 2019.

It's good to be back πŸ˜€



  1. I'm really looking forward to our magnolia flowering, ours is in a shaded spot so tends to flower slightly later 😊

    1. Hi there Netty ... I always love watching the garden come back into life after the winter. There are times when I can never imagine that it will come back, but it never disappoints πŸ˜ƒ


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