Thursday 20 June 2019

A Week on The Llyn Peninsular #6 - Nant Gwrtheyrn

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Welcome to the last in my series of posts about our visit to The Llyn Peninsular in North Wales back at the beginning of May. I have to say it is making me more than a little wistful looking back at the clear blue skies, sunshine and sea views ... maybe our summer really is just around the corner ... we can but hope.

It was Thursday, our last full day, and we managed to get out and have one last adventure before it was time to start packing up ready to head for home.

We decided to have a drive to Nant Gwrtheyrn ... it was another of the places that we'd seen on this blog post. It's home to the Welsh Language Centre and is also known as 'the forgotten village', but not really having done any research beforehand we didn't really have any idea what to expect.

The drive in was pretty impressive. We passed the top car park which said it was a 25 minute walk and thought that sounded a bit much for us, especially seeing as how high up we still were, so decided to follow the road and see if we could park at the bottom.

We are so glad we did, we certainly wouldn’t have been up for walking down and definitely not for walking back up. The views on the way down were fabulous ...
... and the road was a real adventure to drive down ...
There is a small car park at the bottom and it is an absolutely beautiful spot ... really tranquil. We parked up by the row of old quarry men's cottages ...
We started off in the old chapel where there is an exhibition telling the story of the quarrying village of Port Nant and the development of the Welsh Language School. It was fascinating and really humbling to think about how the residents of the tiny village would have managed back in the day ... they must have been made of hardy stuff.
There are some fabulous views out across the coast ...
We would loved to have had the chance for a walk down to the beach, but we didn't have time today, definitely one for a re-visit ...
We did have chance for a pit stop in the cafe in the cafe though, with a view to pretty much die for ...
The sun did manage to put in a brief, but very welcome, appearance as we had a wander round the rest of the site ...
... and a quick nosy inside one of the old cottages ...
We stayed for just over an hour in total, but definitely want to go back and have a look down at the beach, where more of the old quarry workings can be found.

I just had to get Martin to stop for a photo on the way back up ... good job the clutch was in full working order though ...
So that was the end of our week on The Llyn Peninsular. We both really fell in love with the area and were sad to be leaving, though both pretty confident that we will be back again soon πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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