Thursday 4 June 2020

Random Ramblings :: Out for Lunch and other Tales ...

Hi there everyone 😁

It was last Wednesday and I was excited ... we were going out for lunch πŸ˜€

I was up early ... thought I would bake some scones to take with us ... only to realise we had run out of milk ... I was just googling whether I could use yoghurt instead when Martin remembered the emergency carton of long life semi skimmed we’d bought just before lockdown when it looked like shopping may get a bit tricky.

So, in no time at all there was a batch of freshly baked sultana scones cooling on the rack ...

It was a glorious day ... and looked like it could stay that way for the next few days so I put something other than my gardening scruffs on ... I even wore a bra 😲

There was a bit of nervousness as the time approached for leaving ... as me and my weak bladder are always very wary of going anywhere where I know there are no facilities ... I am definitely not a girl that will go behind a tree.

So picnic bag packed, into the car and we were off ... heading to one of our local villages for a walk round their walled garden, by the side of the river, hoping to find some new bits to explore and a nice spot for our picnic lunch. It's a beautiful spot that is very local and well tucked away, so we were hoping it would be quiet.

There were a few cars on the grassy car park, so we decided we’d have a wander ... it’s just the second time we’ve been out anywhere for a walk since lockdown began and it was lovely to be out in the warm sunshine ... and good to spot that a home had been found for some of last year's scarecrow festival exhibits ...

We made our way down the narrow lane which leads to the garden, you really do feel that you are heading for a very 'secret' garden ... it's definitely not the kind of place you would be likely to stumble across by accident ...

We decided to start off with a wander round the outside of the walls of the garden, starting off down towards the river ... but we couldn't resist a sneaky peak through the first of the green wooden gates leading into the garden ...

It looked beautiful ... so well cared for and lovely and quiet. We were really looking forward to exploring. It was the first time that we'd visited, other than on a scarecrow festival day, so it would be completely different seeing it so quiet and peaceful.

We headed off down towards the river, following the walls of the garden ... a route we'd never taken before ...
As we headed through the trees at the bottom end of the garden we came across a few more old friends ... shading from the heat of the sun beneath the canopy ... 

This was all brand new to us and we found another entrance into the garden ...

A pretty fish pond with lots of fish ...

... and the boathouse bird hide ...

... complete with fairy garden ...

... frisky ducks and drakes ...

... and a close up view of the river ...

From here we headed back up the far side of the garden ... through the sensory garden, which is always a real treat, with lots of interesting bits and pieces to catch the eye ...

It was in this part of the garden where we found the perfect shady spot for our picnic ...
We were soon tucked in the corner ...
... with our very civilised picnic lunch, and a fabulous view, laid out before us ...
After a while chilling in the sunshine, listening to the buzzing of the bees, we were ready to move on ... saving our scones for a bit later on.

I really love the sensory garden ... it is a real treat ...

On the fourth side of the garden ... or as I would say, the top ... you will find the orchard ...
... where there are bee hives ...

... and a pretty cottage garden around the back of the head gardener's house ...

We took the main gate to the garden from this side to be greeted by a plethora of old gardening shoes, all planted up with succulents ... which we'd never noticed before ...

We took a clockwise route around the garden ... passing the rose garden ...

... which is looking stunning ...
It's definitely not all about the roses though ... there were plenty of wild flowers ...

... the most fabulous lupins ...

... more roses ...

... the most vibrant of irises ...
... huge allium ...
... and a few more roses ...

All was watched over very competently by the head gardener ...
The interior of the walled garden was stunning and an absolute credit to those volunteers who tend it. We were now ready to find a shady spot to enjoy our scones so headed back out the way we had come, where we found a lovely spot in the shade of the garden wall with a view of the head gardener's house ...

... where our freshly baked scones, topped with clotted cream and jam, went down a treat ...

We couldn't resist a cucumber plant for £1 from the plant table before waving to the head gardener as we headed off for a walk to the church ...
The church is just a short walk from the garden and whilst it wasn't open it was lovely to have a walk around the church yard ...

It was time for us to head for home. We'd only really been our for a couple of hours but it had been lovely to explore the garden properly on a beautiful quiet and sunny afternoon.


As well as enjoying our lunch out there has been a bit of crafting going on with plenty of face coverings being made up ...

... the most unhealthy rocky road ever ...

... and my first attempt at potato printed wrapping paper ...


In other news entirely our lockdown is starting to slowly ease with us now being allowed to meet up with small groups of friends or family ... be it outside and at a social distance. Whilst I guess this is good news I have been shocked and saddened by some of the things that I have seen ... fools ‘tombstoning’ at Durdle Door, huge crowds on beaches, swathes of litter left behind on beaches and in our beautiful countryside, fires on moorland from disposable BBQs left behind and our emergency services being called out to incidents left right and centre.

I really can not get my head round how some people ... who apparently are really desperate to get out into the beautiful parts of our country ... are showing it so little respect ... I would have thought after all we’d been through, and have had to do without, that now we are allowed a little bit more access to the things that we love we would treasure them a little bit more. 

Clearly for some this is not the case and it makes me both angry and very sad. I’m sure it is the minority and there are lots of people who feel the same way I do. I take my hat off to those who have to, or choose to, follow around clearing up the mess of others ... to the countryside lovers collecting litter and our emergency services, lots of whom are volunteers, helping those in need, however their problems occurred.

I'm sure if nature could talk she would have a few choice words for some of the Human race right now ... and rightly so πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’


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