Monday 28 September 2020

Random Ramblings :: The Seasons they are a changing ...

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well, we are just back from two glorious weeks on the south coast, exploring East Devon and I have lots to share with you about the places we visited and what we got up to.

While we were away summer just officially tipped over into autumn and that last day of summer was something pretty spectacular ...
Back home and the glorious weather had played havoc with the garden with the hanging baskets looking a shadow of their former selves having slowly died of thirst ...
All was not totally lost though as there is still plenty of colour to be had ... there are still flowers coming on the cup and saucer vine ...

... and the earlier blooms are starting to set seed, so hopefully we will be growing these from our own seed for next year ...

The salvia we grew from cuttings earlier in the year have come on in leaps and bounds ...
We have been so impressed with these, so easy to propagate from cuttings and give such value right through the summer, with still plenty more to come. The three that we'd taken for Lesley have been potted on and we have started another six off for us for next year ...
The liriope is looking the best it ever has, the faded blooms on the hydrangea look stunning and just look at the pink of the stocks that we picked up from the 'dead zone' at Felley Priory earlier in the year ...
And that's not all ... we still have hibiscus, rudbeckia, cosmos, iceplant, passionflower, poppies, something I can't remember the name of, verbena and geranium putting on the most fabulous show ...
Since we’ve been back the temperature has dropped by about 10 degrees And whilst it’s still been bright it’s been a tad on the nippy side.

So far we’ve managed to get get all unpacked, spend a day in the garden, starting on the autumn routines which we know from experience will give us a good start in the spring.

We've picked the last of the tomatoes ...

... a bucketful of quince ...

... and we've turned a stack of broccoli leaves into a bacon and broccoli leaf soup ... a bit of an experiment, which will most definitely be repeated ...

It's not only us that the garden is catering for, there is plenty there for the birds, though the rowan seems to always be their last resort ...
Fearing further restrictions on visiting friends and family, as Covid seems to be surging with a vengeance we managed to get a garden visit into see my brother David, Alison and the little man, where we managed a lovely outdoor catch up in the autumn sunshine...
The chiminea came into service to just take the chill off ...
We also managed a garden visit to my nephew and his family, including ...

... who is just adorable ...

... and seemed to like the unicorn that we bought her back from holiday ...
Well I think that's it for today ... all up to date ... just a day out to the National Memorial Arboretum to tell you about and then on to our adventures in Devon ... so plenty to keep me busy for a while πŸ˜€


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