Friday, 27 November 2020

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: November 2020

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I’ve something a bit different for today’s post.

Now I can't quite recall how I came across Kate's blog ... 'I live, I love, I craft, I am me' ... I guess I will have followed a link from another blog that I regularly follow but I can't, for the life of me, remember which one.

Anyway ... I've been hanging around in the background for a while now, enjoying reading about Kate's adventures and seeing the different contributions to the photo challenge set on her blog each month.

The way it works is that at the beginning of each month Kate provides a scavenger hunt list of six words, for which each participant needs to find an appropriate photo. The words for November's scavenger hunt are ... Houseplants :: Rings :: Harbour :: Window :: Sky :: My own choice

I've never taken part in any kind of link up before, but I love taking photos and I've finally built up the courage to take part ... so here is my first contribution ...

Houseplants :: The annual trip outdoors for all of my houseplants for their annual refresh. This was their outing in 2019 ... I have to confess that I had every good intention of doing this during the summer and even managed to get some fresh houseplant compost in ready for re-potting. However, lockdown summer just ran away with me and this was one job that I didn't get round to ...Rings :: This was another job that was on the cards for our summer lockdown that we didn't get round to. Martin came home with these one day, after doing a bit of scavenging himself, with the thought we may be able to make some kind of garden sculpture. We even managed to find ourselves a crafty welding friend that was up for the challenge, but other than moving the rings from one place to another several times, there has been no progress at all ... definitely on the cards for a future project though ...

Harbour :: We had to cancel a holiday to Scotland earlier this year. We were due to go and stay in a beautiful cottage with some of our oldest friends and we were all disappointed to have to cancel. This picture of one of our favourite harbours, Clovelly, was taken a couple of years ago, when we last went away with them. Fingers crossed that we can make another trip in 2021 ...
Windows :: These two photos were taken on Halloween this year, just before lockdown #2 began and we managed a socially distanced walk around my brother's estate, looking for pumpkins with the little man (my 4 year old nephew, dressed as a skeleton). My brother's partner had done a fabulous job of decorating her windows ... we were all very impressed ...

Sky :: Through the spring and summer, whilst 'staying at home' our garden was all kinds of things to us ... it was our outside space, our exercise, our chill out zone, our fresh air ... I'm not sure how we would have coped without it and, of course, we were blessed with some of the most fabulous weather and I was continually out back taking pictures. I'm not sure if sneaking a collage into the monthly challenge is allowed but I was hard pushed to pick just one picture for this category ...

My own choice :: I'm afraid it's another photo on the theme of garden and lockdown ... we decided this year we would try and grow a few different types of veg and this was our very first, fairly small, but absolutely delicious cauliflower ...

So that was my first effort for the monthly photo scavenger hunt. There was definitely a bit of a theme going on but I've really enjoyed looking back at my pictures and seeing how we've made the best of what has been a very strange year. I'm looking forward to joining in again next month but for now ... off to see if I can work out how to join the link party over on Kate's Blog πŸ˜€



  1. Nice one Carol! Lovely to see your post and thank you for joining in - lovely photos :) Yes lockdown #1 was blessed with glorious weather and blue skies on the most part. My houseplants also go out side for their summer holidays, but now as the temperatures have dropped they have all moved back into the house. xk

    1. Thank you ... I did make a bit of a meal of joining the link up party ... must remember to scroll to the bottom next time ... it’s easy once you know what you are doing. Looking forward to having a good look at everyone else’s pictures and seeing what next month brings πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Fab photos. I love the one of Clovelly,it's really pretty. And it's always nice to see blue sky shots. X

    1. Thank you ... we always try and get a visit in to Clovelly when down that way ... we often stay in Bude and Clovelly tends to be the furthest we venture North. We love the walk down but have to confess to always taking the Land Rover back up πŸ˜ƒ

  3. Glad you decided to join in this month, your photos are great. The blue sky collage is lovely, and Clovelly harbour looks really pretty :)

    1. Thank you ... we were really blessed with some glorious weather this spring and summer 🌞

  4. I agree with Tigermouse. As for your collage, I often include more than one photo per word as it can be so hard to select just one! The rings look very promising; I hope they will feature in a future photo hunt when finished. The harbour is stunning and it is my favourite photo. Hope to see you next month.

    1. Thank you ... I’m so glad I took part and will definitely be looking out for the words for December πŸ˜ƒ

  5. All wonderful photos for your first time joining in!
    The Halloween ones are fun, I'm sure they were enjoyed by many.
    I'm so glad you had a Clovelly photo to share, it's so beautiful there and your picture is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you ... we did hear a few people commenting on the windows as we wondered round ... they were fabulous πŸ˜ƒ

  6. Glad you joined in & those rings would make a lovely set of plant stands with large pots on top. Oh Clovelly, somewhere I've been when we've been to UK. Like you our garden has been a saving grace in these tedious lockdowns, even though ours was worst through our winter. Thanks for sharing, take care & stay safe & hugs from down under.

  7. Oh ... a plant stand ... now that is a good idea ..l though I’m sure they will be languishing at the back of the shed for a while yet πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. I love your photo of the harbour. Really hope you can go for another visit in 2021. 2020 has been quite a year, hasn't it? Well, at least it has brought you a perfect cauliflower. :-))

    1. Thanks Ella ... yes, never imagined I’d be able to grow a cauliflower ... it was an experiment really as we had some free seeds ... was really chuffed with it but they don’t half take up a lot of growing space πŸ˜ƒ

  9. Glad you have joined it the fun. Love your selection of pictures, the harbour picture is lovely. Amazing how many people have mentioned the lockdown in their posts. It has affected us all. Well done on that beautiful looking cauliflower. My favourites must be your 'spooky' Halloween window pictures. :)


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.