Saturday 10 April 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: April #2 ... Farm

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It's time for the second week of Astrid's photo hunt ... this week's word is ... Farm.

Not having a lot of 'farm' related photos in my archive it's just a quick one from me today.

Here are a few photos from our trip out last year ... in between lockdowns ... to The Cotswolds. We spent the day at Sezincote, but had a bit of a detour to find the Cotswold Lavender Farm.

Well ... we did find it ... but it was soooooo busy, that we had to just make do with a couple of photos of the neighbouring fields, which I sure will have been farmed ...

Thinking about it ... I could have saved these photos for next week's hunt ... the theme is 'Purple'. It is my favourite colour so I'm sure I will be able to find plenty to share.

Thanks again to Astrid for hosting the link up πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ



  1. Yes I too thought your photos would be good for next week! Purple is one of my favourite colours too! Was there a strong scent of lavender in the air by the fields?

    1. I can’t say that we got the scent of lavender but we did just quickly take the snaps out of the car window as there wasn’t really anywhere to park. I’m sure if we’d visited the actual farm itself and walked amongst the planting then the scent would have been amazing πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Those lavender fields are stunning & the rusty roof reminds of what you see here in Oz on farm shedding & barns. It would do for your purple theme, as I also thought that when I saw your photos & I've got to think of something for that next week, as we've done purple a couple of times before. Have a great weekend, take care & hugs from down under.

    1. Thank you Susan. I must admit I was very taken with the contrast of the rusty roof against the colour of the lavender. We were lucky with the sky too. I need to get my thinking cap on for next week ... I think my problem will be narrowing my choice down πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  3. I NEED to visit a lavender farm. right NOW!
    Did it smell good? In my imagination it was heavenly!

    1. We really didn’t get chance to take in the scent as we had to grab a quick snap out of the car window on the side of the road. I’d love to back and visit properly. It must be lovely to just walk among it πŸ’œ

  4. How wonderful! That colour is gorgeous and I can almost smell the lavender. Although I have visited a lavender farm in Norfolk it was to early in the season for a display. And we are off to Norfolk again in May, so still to early. Sigh! It will just be good to get away. πŸ’œ

    1. I’ve never actually visited a lavender farm either, we often used to pass the Norfolk one when I was younger and couldn’t have imagined anything more dull πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I definitely want to go back and visit properly ... get in right amongst it πŸ’œ

  5. The lavender is a gorgeous colour and I love the third pic down but it wouldn't do for me to go there as the smell gives me a headache :(

    1. Thank you ... I must admit I love the smell of lavender, but really can’t stand the smell of vanilla ... that always makes me feel a bit sick πŸ˜ƒ

  6. Those lavender fields look gorgeous but I can quite understand you not going to actually visit if it was crowded. We can't stand vast crowds at beauty spots either. But lovely pictures all the same.

    1. I was a bit disappointed not to visit but to be honest even without COVID I think it would have been too busy for us. I guess that’s the problem when somewhere is only open for a very short period ... so whether we will get to visit at another point I’m not sure πŸ˜ƒ

  7. How fabulous - the smell must have been wonderful. I didn't realise there were lavender fields in England - always thought it was just the south the south of France.

    1. I think there are several Fil. This one is in The Cotswolds and there is definitely one in Norfolk. I’m sure there will be more. The Cotswolds one is only open for a few short weeks a year ... they have a website so you can see when you can visit. πŸ˜ƒ

  8. OMGoodness, those are so beautiful! I like seeing the barn behind the fields too. Were you able to purchase any while you were there? Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Astrid. Sadly we couldn’t buy any as we didn’t actually visit the farm itself ... it was just too busy. I bet if we did though I would have spent a fortune πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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