Monday 21 March 2022

Exploring :: Northumberland #7 … Berwick-upon-Tweed

Hi there everyone πŸ˜ƒ

Well, here we are … the final post from our break in Northumberland back in December and finally … I got to visit Berwick-upon-Tweed.

We’d had a lovely hour or so wandering along the prom and the beach at Spittal, collected a great stash of sea glass, and we were heading across the Tweed and into Berwick ...
It was certainly looking like the weather was not going to be giving us a problem and, after a drive down the High Street we ended up squeezing our way through a narrow arch and finding a great spot to park, for free, on the quay area … 
... with a fabulous view of the bridges …

Having no real idea what to expect we headed back through the arch and took a left to head along the town wall ...

Well it was just beautiful ... for me ... it was kind of like York, but by the sea. It was just so pretty ...
... and, as we continued our walk around the town walls towards the sea, it didn't disappoint. There was another beautiful view at every turn ... the weather helped ... we really did get to see it at it's very best ...

As we reached the end of the row of pretty Georgian houses the views looking out over the estuary, back towards Spittal were fabulous ... with a perfect sky ...

This is the view looking back the way we had walked from ... towards the bridges across the river ...

... and this is the view towards the way we were walking ... you can see the start of the lighthouse pier on the right, though the lighthouse is way further out ... 

... as you can see here ...

And here it is looking down the sights of the ancient canon ...
From here we decided we wouldn't walk down to the lighthouse at this point, but carry on, cutting off the point, and come back to the lighthouse later ... moving the car down closer.

It really was a lovely spot though ... 

The views great in all directions, including looking back across to Spittal into the late afternoon sun ...

From here the path took us between the lighthouse promontory on one side and the back of the town on the other ...

We passed old fortifications ...

... the old beacon ...

... and evidence of the strength of the recent storms ...
At the crest of the hill we decided to head left back into town, which took us past the church and the old barracks ...

It was then a left onto the High Street and, after a quick stop in Costa for refreshments we headed back to the car.

It was a short drive down to the end of the lighthouse pier ... 
... and whilst we were beginning to flag a bit, there was no way we weren't going to walk to the end of the pier ...

It was a lovely walk out along the pier, breezy, but lovely ...
We made our way back as the sun was beginning to drop ... 

It really was the perfect end to a perfect day of a pretty near perfect week away πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

I am so glad that I got to make my first visit to Berwick-upon-Tweed ... I really can't see it being my last πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ



  1. Love Berwick.
    One of our fav walks is to do the walls, in summer the allotments are glorious and you can watch matches being held on the grassy pitches between the fortifications. Did you see the 'Lion House' - the one that L.S.Lowery bought or rented for several years while he did his paintings there?
    We have many happy holiday memories of that area :) thank you for reminding me of them :)

    1. Kate it was so lovely … a real surprise as we had no real idea what to expect. We loved the allotments … everything was lovely, all so well kept and smart. We didn’t see the Lion House … definitely something to look out for next time … as I’m sure we will visit again πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Somewhere I've not been and now wishing we'd had enough time to explore along that part of the coast. Been up to Northumberland and passed through many times, but we should have done it in 2019, but they were filming a sequel of a movie and a lot was out of bounds. My Dad's family come from the Alston/Kirkhaugh area. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. It’s somewhere we’ve been close to but not got to before. I’m so glad we got to visit, we all loved it πŸ˜ƒ

  3. It really does look how you describe ' York By The Sea ', hopefully I will get to visit someday. Glad you enjoyed your Northumberland trip, looking forward to your Norfolk blog!

    1. I would definitely recommend it if you get the chance. We are just back from North Wales, where we have had glorious sunshine for a full seven days which is most unusual …m but need to catch up with my Norfolk posts first … so hopefully they will be coming very soon πŸ˜ƒ


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