Tuesday 10 May 2022

Lodge Life

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I’ve mentioned a couple of times that our latest break was in North Wales and I do have loads to share with you about our trip … but before I do I have some totally unplanned and unexpected news … we have bought a holiday lodge.

It’s something we’ve been thinking about on and off for years but have never really been able to settle on the ideal location … as there are so many places that we like for so many different reasons … so we’d kind of stopped thinking about the idea, even though I’ve always imagined owning somewhere near the sea.

We had such a lovely time in North Wales, and not for the first time, that the location all of a sudden became obvious to us and when we got home Martin started looking on Google maps for smallish parks at the top of the Llyn Peninsular, which seemed like the perfect location ... Snowdon to the East, the Llyn to the West, Anglesey to the North and Portmerion to the south. Surrounded by mountains, beaches, small villages, castles and steam railways … what more could we ask for.

Within the space of a month we’d made the decision, found a park, visited, signed on the dotted line and done lots of shopping ...

We have visited this weekend to take ownership and couldn’t be happier with our decision. Even though we had a very busy weekend moving everything in and learning how everything worked it was soooooo relaxing.

The car was loaded to the gunnels …
We had a really good journey … it’s a fair way, but such a lovely drive …
The weather was glorious and we couldn’t resist stopping at Criccieth for a quick look at the sea …
… before having our second look round our new home from home …

We didn’t do anything too exciting over the weekend but got to grips with the kitchen and got to use the new Portmerion crockery, which I just love …
We had a rainy day and it was lovely and cosy just sitting watching the rain ...
It was our Wedding Anniversary whilst we were away and we spent it at the roadside laundry …
We had a far nicer trip than usual to Asda to pick up a few bits and pieces ...
In amongst all of the shopping, unpacking and organising we did manage one quick trip back to Criccieth for an ice cream by the sea …

Whilst it was a pretty busy few days it was still very relaxing, we can’t wait to go back again … with a far shorter list of jobs.

Before we can go back though we have a week booked in Kent with mum and the weather is looking very promising indeed …



  1. Wow - that is quite an exciting post - here's to lots of stories from your home from home in North Wales :)

  2. Congratulations! As a static caravan owner, I know how nice it is to have a little bolt hole. Xx

    1. We really can't wait to get back there ... it just felt so relaxing, even though we were busy on this visit :)

  3. Congratulations! As a static caravan owner I do know how nice it is to have a little bolt hole. X

  4. Wow, how exciting, but I wont be envious as we have our holiday lodge on wheels, that takes us to destinations far & wide here in Oz. Wales is certainly lovely & I've visited a few places there including Portmerion. I'm fascinated by the "roadside" laundry!!! Look forward to seeing more of your adventures in Wales. Enjoy your weekend away, take care & hugs.

    1. We did contemplate a camper van, but as we both snore horrendously I think we may have ended up killing each other ... Lol. Hope you are well, take care :)

  5. The lodge looks lovely. Have some wonderful relaxing times there. Bx (Mad Englishwoman and Dog)

    1. Thank you … we can’t wait to go back πŸ˜ƒ


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