Monday 7 November 2022

Lodge Life :: September 2022

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Back in September we had our longest stay at the lodge so far. Though we hadn't exactly planned it we ended up being there for nearly three weeks and it was just so relaxing. 

We did do a few 'jobs' like cleaning all of the windows and the glass around the decking and we did have Lesley & Tom come to spend their first long weekend with us, but other than that we spent a lot of time not doing very much at all, other than sitting enjoying the view and reading.

I think I managed to read about five books and we did spend a few days glued to the TV watching the events following the passing of our Queen. It was so nice to have some real down time.

Within our first couple of days we'd had a right mixture of weather ... ranging from glorious sunshine and blue skies ...
... to wet, wild and very windy ...
We'd arrived on a Thursday, with Lesley & Tom arriving the following Thursday. We spent a few days of our first week doing some outside cleaning and plenty of batch cooking. I think, other than shopping, we only ventured out anywhere the once before they came. We had a bit of a drive out through the mountains, via Beddgelert, with a quick stop off in Caernarvon.

We did stop to have a bit of a closer look at the Aberglaslyn Pass, which we'd driven through before, but not actually stopped. It was beautiful ...

Once Lesley & Tom arrived there was plenty of activity ... there were so many nice places that we wanted to share with them that we were spoilt for choice.

We spent our first afternoon staying local with a short drive for a walk at Trefor ...

... before moving a bit further along the coast to make the hairy drive down to Nant Gwrtheyrn ...
... which has fast become a favourite for Martin and I ...
I really do hope that at some point Martin and I feel up to the challenge of walking down to the beach but that was not for this visit …
... but we did take advantage of a great spot for tea and cake ...
Lesley and I just couldn't resist jumping out of the car on the way back up to try and get up close and personal with the goats ...
... before heading back to settle in with and fish and chip supper from our favourite chippy to finish off the day ...
The next day we had a 'big' day out. We headed over to Anglesey, through Beaumaris and onto Penman Point, somewhere that Martin and I had both seen on Facebook and thought we definitely wanted to go and have a look.

The point is accessed via a private toll road, costing £3, which starts by Penmon Priory. We decided to drive down to the beach and the lighthouse first, maybe have lunch at the cafe, and then have a look at the priory on the way back.

We had absolutely no idea what to expect and the toll is pretty bumpy in places but once you hit the end of the road the view near took our breath away. The beach really does have an ends of the Earth feel to it. It’s remote and rugged and on the day we visited it was pretty breezy to say the least.

From where we parked we didn’t see the lighthouse straightaway, but it was a real ‘wow’ moment when it first came into view …
We could tell there were going to be lots of photos taken and we waited patiently for a gap in the slow trickle of visitors to get some good up close and personal shots …
… and plenty of windswept selfies …
… and I had to wait for just the right moment to catch the boat in exactly the right spot …
I don’t suppose we were there that long really but the tide was certainly coming in …
We had a walk along the beach in one direction …
Then back along the other, where we left Martin to wait for us …
We spent ages watching this yacht … which was really struggling against the tide …
… before making our way back to Martin who told us he’d seen a seal and a puffin … there was no corroborating evidence to back his claims but he was adamant that he wasn’t making it up … we were gutted to have missed them.
We decided to check out the cafΓ©, which had plenty of outdoor seating and a reasonable choice of options for lunch …

… before heading back to the priory and a very impressive dovecote for a good look round …
Both the lighthouse and the priory were definitely well worth the drive and I'm more than certain that we will visit again. I'd love to go at low tide when I believe you can actually walk out to the lighthouse.

We had a quick stop in Beaumaris for a wander along the pier on the way back, but didn't stop long as time was getting on and we were all ready to head for home.

We had another big day out on the Saturday, with a trip to Llanbedrog, where Martin and I surprised ourselves making the walk up to the tin man ...
Sunday and it was time for Lesley and Tom to head for home. We had breakfast at the local garden centre, which has become a bit of a regular treat, and a quick wander along the front, and a sit in the sunshine at Criccieth ...
There may also have been a sneaky ice cream from Cadwalladers 🍦🍦🍦🍦 

After Lesley and Tom had headed for home we had another relaxing week or so to go. We did manage a visit to Barmouth, somewhere else that we'd not been to before. That was another real treat and somewhere that we will definitely visit again ...
I wouldn't say we were ready to come home at the end of our three weeks, but we really felt like we ought to. It was time to get the garden ready for winter, fulfil a few appointments and social engagements ... hoping to get back again in a few weeks πŸ˜€



  1. Your lodge sounds like a real home from home. Beautiful photos of your surrounding places to visit. The black and white striped lighthouse is very photogenic. X

    1. It is lovely and normally we just sigh and totally relax when we arrive. We did find in our October visit though that it might not all be sunshine and roses. We loved the lighthouse too. I can see us visiting often ... trying to see it in different weather and at different tide times. x


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.