Monday 7 August 2023

Exploring :: The Beaches of Abersoch

Bore da pawb … or … good morning everyone πŸ˜€

Today we are heading home following a lovely long three week stay at our lodge on the Llyn Peninsular in North Wales.

The weather forecast was not the best but the experts seemed to keep getting it wrong … so every time we got up to no rain we decided to make the most of it while we could.

Our first full day actually ended up being glorious and we decided to further investigate the beaches of Abersoch, starting out with Quarry Beach, which we’d never been to, but had heard about from friends. 

We knew there was a limited amount of parking down a pretty narrow lane, which could be approached from two directions. Our first attempt found us at an impossible right hand hairpin turn so we had to drive by and find somewhere to turn and then approach from the other direction. I’m guessing if you know this beach you will probably know exactly where I am coming from.

Anyway we eventually found ourselves at the small parking area … very close to the beach …
It’s right at the bottom of a narrow lane, though there are plenty of passing places ... but you definitely need to be prepared for a nifty bit of backing up if you meet anyone coming from the opposite direction. 

The parking area is backed by the quarried rock face …
… and nature is really retaking the area, with lots of wildflowers in abundance …
Our first view of the beach was a real ‘wow’ moment. It is stunning. A beautiful wide sandy beach, with a shallow slope to a lovely calm sea with ripples for waves … and it stretches across to The Warren and Abersoch to the right …
… and ends at the Llanbedrog headland to the left …
We decided to head left and found it fascinating spotting the old remains of the quarry works in the cliffs above and even the bones of the old jetty down on the beach …
It is definitely a beach to spend time on. I’m sure we will be back with deckchairs and a picnic at some time. The only small drawback for me would be the lack of facilities, though we could always walk to The Sandbar at The Warren if we were desperate …
We walked as far as the headland …
… before retracing our steps and making our way back to The Gallery in Llanbedrog for a quick pit stop on our way back to the lodge …
The next day was lovely too and we decided to head back to Abersoch to see if we could find the beach with the beach huts … somewhere else we’d not yet seen.

We parked up in town, by harbour beach, hoping the tide would be out far enough for us to be able to walk around the headland but this was not to be …
After a short walk as far as we could go it was back to the car …
We headed towards the golf course and parked up on the car park for Abersoch Beach, from where it is but a short walk … And yes, we found the beach huts …
This was another lovely beach, but so busy compared to the others we’d seen … I guess that’s because there’s plenty of parking, toilets, a cafe and a lifeguard on watch. 

We did stop and have a drink. I was a bit shocked to be charged 30p for a plastic beaker for my cold drink but hey … it is what it is … and I really am not keen on drinking from a can so didn’t really have much option but to go with the flow …
We had one more beach we wanted to try and find before heading back to the lodge and that was Porth Neigwl … or Hell’s Mouth. It’s another fairly remote beach, with a bit of parking, and accessed via a short walk through the dunes …
It couldn’t have been more different from the other beaches we’d seen …
Definitely a bit wilder, though still lovely for a bit of a wander …
By now we were all beached out and it was time to head for home to see if the rain that had been threatening would have us confined to barracks for the following day. 



  1. Another great post of some beautiful places & scenery. The beaches look so enticing & the old architecture always fascinates me. Thanks so much for sharing, take care & hugs from down under. Do hope this comment appears as I've been having trouble on my old laptop.

    1. It is lovely that we keep finding new places to add to the list of favourites. We are not back for a while now as we have a wedding in Devon to attend later this month which will give us a look at some more new places. Take care x

  2. Such beautiful beaches. I'm quite envious of your trips!

    1. Quarry beach was certainly a stunner. A bit more sunshine wouldn’t have gone amiss this time though. July was a bit of a wash out … though we did still manage to get out and about a fair bit. X

  3. Was great to catch up again. Let me know when you are back and we will meet up for a curry x

    1. Will do … hopefully will be some time in September πŸ₯°


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