Monday 13 May 2024

My Decluttering Journey #4 :: Finishing off the Kitchen

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

We’ve been dipping in and out of decluttering over the past few weeks and I’m more than delighted to say that we’ve finished a room. It’s definitely been a ‘we’ achievement, rather than an I, as I’m not sure I would have had the motivation to do quite so much without Martin’s help.

First off we defrosted the freezer, a job which was well overdue …
We did it just before we went away at the end of April. We managed to squeeze all of the contents into our selection of freezer boxes whilst the great defrost commenced …
I know it’s probably not the advertised way of defrosting a freezer but we were going for speed and Martin sat with the hair dryer and a complicated arrangement of tins and towels for catching and soaking up the water.

Considering we’d left it so long it didn’t actually take that long and we soon had a frost free, clean and organised freezer …with almost a full empty shelf …
With our holiday unceremoniously cut short by car trouble we actually made the tiniest of starts on the shed … on what just happened to be our 15th wedding anniversary.

This was quite a productive one as a couple of the drawers were full of what I would call random tat … but what Martin would call Geocaching supplies. Well … we decided that our days of setting our own caches was pretty much over and managed to empty two full drawers …
There were a few bits that we thought Bobby might like …
… plenty for the recycling bin …
… some bits we decided to hang on to but rehome …
… a bag of bits for the scrap man …
… and a bag of general waste …
We had a good sort through another couple of drawers and just have two more left … one full of glass jars for jam making and one full of random garden bits and pieces …
This weekend we decided to finish off the kitchen and emptied, cleaned out and sort through the contents of the rest of the kitchen cupboards and drawers.

There were a few bits and pieces that we decided to put in the charity pile but everything is now put back away, nice and tidily with the things we use the most in the most accessible spots …
We even sorted through and tidied up the cupboard in the back porch … which just leaves the coat rack and the seed box to finish that space off completely too .

It certainly feels good to know that we have one whole room fully cluttered πŸ˜€



  1. I congratulate you both on your persistence, I can quietly declutter a drawer or two then find I get pulled into the rabbit hole of memories or wonder why I kept an item, should I continue keeping it as you never know if you 'might' need it still.......

    1. I know exactly what you mean Kate … on both counts. I am losing the “keep it just in case” debate at the moment as we seem to have found uses for random bits and pieces that we’ve had for years lately. Martin loves every “told you it might come in useful” moment πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ


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