The borders in the garden continue to be very green through July. I definitely need to get to the garden centre and find some plants that flower at this time of year.
The pots however, are doing me proud. The lilies and the sweet peas have put on a fabulous show, with me being able to have a constant supply of sweet peas for the kitchen window sill.

The zinias I planted from seed are starting to look quite impressive.

And the hanging baskets are still going a storm.

It's not all completely green in the borders. The hemerocallis came and went, the crocosmia is still looking mighty fine and the white climbing rose is doing well on its new obelisk. The white daisies are looking pretty good too.
July - What we've been up to .....
Lots of watering, lots of deadheading and lots of feeding has been going on this month. We've also done plenty of harvesting. We've had the last of the strawberries and the majority of the cherries and there's plenty of strawberry and cherry jam bottled up to see us through the year.
July - What's next .....
Well, August should see us with the first of the plums, hopefully plenty of blueberries, possibly the few apples that we have and maybe the first of the tomatoes.

The piece de resistence is going to be this baby though. The agapanthus is looking pretty darn amazing. It clearly likes it's root bound home and I have no plans to disturb it whatsoever.

July - And finally .....
I have a feeling that Courgette & Apricot chutney may be on the cards .....
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