Monday, 19 December 2016

Beautiful Britain - Cows, Horses & The Knightwood Oak, The New Forest

As well as the days out and about that I've already shared with you, we did quite a bit of driving around during our recent holiday in The New Forest.
Over the course of our two week stay we saw lots of cows and horses roaming the landscape and took far too many pictures to be able to share them all with you, so I've selected some of my favourites.

Starting with the cows ... 

... and then on to the horses ... 

When it came to the landscape of the area, our first impressions were a bit disappointing. What we were seeing, in the main, could only really be described as barren 'scrubland'.

Desperate to find the beauty of The New Forest, that lots of people had told us about, I hit Google and looked for 'the best places to take photos in The New Forest, and came across The Rhinefield & Bolderwood Arboretum Ornamental Drives, which sounded like they might just hit the spot.
We spent a very pleasant afternoon exploring the Drives, which gave us the real feeling of being in 'The Forest', which looked beautiful, with the sun shining through the canopy.

It also gave us chance to visit The Knightwood Oak, which is the New Forest's most famous tree. It is thought to be one of the oldest, with age estimates ranging from 450 to 600 years old. The girth of the trunk close to ground level is just over seven metres!

So that, my lovely people, is the last of my posts from The New Forest. Overall we had a lovely holiday. There are some lovely places to visit and, if the weather is good and you like getting out and about it is definitely worth a visit.

Would we go back? I'm not sure, but we will definitely be booking a holiday to the Isle of Wight, probably next year as we absolutely loved what we managed to see on our day trip.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about our visit to The New Forest ... we did manage a quick pitstop at Stonehenge on our way home, but I'll tell you what we thought about that over the next week or so.

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