Tuesday 27 December 2016

10 Most Popular Posts of 2016

Hi there everyone

Well, here we are, so very nearly at the end of another busy and eventful year. Two big highlights for me this year have been Martin retiring and, more recently, the arrival of my beautiful new nephew, Bobby James, who is just too adorable for words πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

I am sure he will be featuring from time to time in my upcoming posts and am really looking forward to the adventures that I know we will all have together.

It's that time of year when it's nice to look back and see which of my posts were your favourites, so here we go with the top 10, in reverse order of course ...

Beautiful Britain - Harrogate, Yorkshire
In 10th spot we have the ramblings of our annual catch up with old work friends. This year we had a glorious weekend in the very lovely Harrogate.
We are already booked in for our 2017 catch up, when you will be able to see what we get up to in Betws-y-Coed.

Beautiful Britain - Beningbrough Hall, Yorkshire
We've managed to take in quite a few new National Trust property visits this year, including Beningbrough Hall, which we visited during our trip to Harrogate.  That's another one ticked off our list and your 9th favourite post for 2016.

Beautiful Britain - Beaulieu & Hythe, The New Forest
In 8th spot is another Beautiful Britain post. This time from our most recent holiday in The New Forest. It seems that you all found Beaulieu as beautiful as we did.

HM@No27 - Armitage Village Day
You've also enjoyed reading about our adventures out and about with the craft stall this year and in 7th spot is my post about our day out at the Armitage Village Day, which was our first real trip out with the craft stall.
A Christmas Wedding
The 6th favourite post of 2016 takes us right back to this time last year when Christmas started off with Chris and Jenny's wedding celebrations, with a surprise visit from these guys ...

5 Reasons we loved Wykewood in Yorkshire
Back in May we stayed in our first 'Gorgeous Cottage', in Yorkshire and you loved reading about what made it so special, with the post coming in as being the 5th most popular post of the year. We are already looking for another of their cottages for another trip to Yorkshire in 2017.

HM@No27 - Chancel Primary School Summer Carnival
Coming in as the 4th favourite post of the year is another trip out for us with the Hand Made at Number 27 craft stall. This time we were at the Chancel Primary School Summer Carnival, where the weather eventually picked up and we ended up having another lovely afternoon.

Beef Strogonoff ... with Quark
In spite of trying out lots of new (SW) recipes this year, I haven't actually posted that many recipes, but this Beef Strogonoff dish, made with Quark, went down really well, being the 3rd most popular over the year.

Nature in Art - Gloucester
Back in September I met up with an old friend and we loved our visit to Nature in Art, just outside of Gloucester. We were blessed with glorious weather and made the most of our wander around the outdoor sculptures on display. It seems that you all liked it too, as it was the 2nd most popular post of this year.

Beautiful Britain - Aldeburgh, Suffolk
In top spot for 2016, and this was by a country mile, was one of the most lovely days that Martin & I have enjoyed this year. We visited the Suffolk coast for the first time ever this year and Aldeburgh was one of the first places we visited. It really was one of the most lovely and unusual places that we have ever visited. I'm so glad that it was your most popular too.

So that's it from Life of Pottering for 2016. Thank you all so much for reading and letting me share some of the fun things that we've done and the beautiful places that we've seen with you.

Hopefully there will be more to see in 2017 so I do hope that we see you there.

Have a great New Year everyone. See you in 2017

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