Sunday 5 February 2017

HM@No27 - My January Makes

Hi there everyone

Well I think it's safe to say that it has been a slow start to the year on the Hand Made at Number 27 front, which actually has been quite welcome after the madness that is December.

I have managed to have a go at a few bits though, including some totally new stuff, so here is what I've been up to ...

Foxy Lovey
I'm not quite sure that is the technical name for this but it's what I'm calling it. Bobby is my gorgeous new nephew, just in case you didn't know, and his nursery is all decked out in a woodland theme.

I'd bought this lovely foxy coloured wool ages ago, with the intent of having a go at making something for him in a foxy vein and this is what I've ended up with. I found a couple of different free patterns over the internet and he is a bit of a mash up, but I'm really pleased with how he's turned out. Hopefully Bobby will love him and get years of friendship from him.

Scrabble Frame
I have seen lots of these on my Pinterest browsing and on the craft groups that I follow on Facebook. It's not something I've ever really thought about having a go at.

That soon changed when a good friend sent me a picture and said ... 'Could you make something like this?' In my new 'can do', when it comes to craft mode I said ... 'Don't see why not.'

I'd already got pretty much everything I needed so, after a quick Ebay shop for Scrabble tiles, I was on my way.

I've kept it pretty simple, but added a few of my trademark paper butterflies just to finish it off.

I'm really pleased with it and it's another thing I can add to the Hand Made at Number 27 collection of items available. I've already had an order for another one, so hopefully these will keep me busy this year.

And last, but by no means least, for this month is an old favourite ...

Heart Papercut Frame
This one really has been a favourite and I was delighted to be able to make another of my heart papercut frames with the very lovely Sweet Paris papers ...

So that's all for January, just enough to get me back into the swing of things. I have another Scrabble frame to have a go at in February, along with a big button art challenge that I need to get cracking with. No question there, I am most definitely doing some serious procrastinating.

Perhaps the fact that I have now written it down here will spur me to just dive in and get on with it.

You will be able to see how I get on next month. See you then  πŸ˜Š

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