Monday 12 March 2018

Our First Foray ...

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

When I first started my blog, back in 2014, I regularly posted about what was going on in our garden. Last year I didn't get to post much about what was happening out there as we had lots of hard landscaping done and everything was a bit chaotic. This year I am hoping to get back to normal with my garden posts, as well as letting you know more about the changes we made last year.

It's Monday morning and the rain here is showing no signs of abating whatsoever. It's hard to believe that Spring is just around the corner, but it must be in the air as we've had both our first and our second forays out into the garden!!

Other than the occasional clearing up of the Autumn leaves the first real garden job of the year for us is the tidying up of the strawberry bed.

Last year it got left late and I’m blaming this for a disappointing strawberry crop and am not going to make the same mistake this year.

So, a few weeks ago, after a very nice breakfast meet up with friends, and before the arrival of ‘The Beast from the East', it was back home to get plenty of warm and tatty clothes on and to head out back for a couple of hours.

It was a really lovely day ... bright blue sky and sunshine, but bitterly cold.

Anyway, I cracked on with the strawberry bed, giving it a really good tidy up ... On one of our previous weekend mooch abouts we couldn’t resist our first, of what I’m sure will end up being many, purchases for the garden.

As well as two bags of compost we picked up four pretty primulas, which we thought would look good on the new plant stand that I bought last year on my trip to Hidcote.
Whilst it looked lovely over the summer, it was definitely looking in need of attention and it was time for a Spring perk up.

Martin was on potting duty and made the first real use of his super duper new potting bench that he made at the end of last year.
Looking rightfully very proud 😁
He potted on the ferns that we bought last year as they grown a fair bit over the Winter and filled the empty pots with the new primulas.
They were all given a good soak and a sit in the sun and all that was left to do was to put them back on the plant stand.
Well we didn’t get round to this before we were hit by the 'Beast from the East' and it wasn’t long before the poor old things were looking a bit sorry for themselves ...
Fortunately all seem to have weathered the storm and will hopefully give us a nice bit of Spring colour for the next couple of months.

Remember these ...

These fairies are currently part of the landscape at Trentham Gardens and are painstakingly created from galvanised and stainless steel wire, by local artist Robin Wight.

Whilst we were making the most of being tucked up in the warm whilst the garden was covered in snow found these pretties on Facebook, made by Twiddles & Scribbles, and ordered ourselves three for the garden ...
They are not quite on the scale of those at Trentham, but we love them.

We have also ordered a set four bare root cordon pot fruit trees, which we are eagerly awaiting delivery of, though where we will plant them goodness only knows.

Having had a tip off last week that our local B&Q had sad looking packs of six primulas for a £1, we were down there like a shot. Some were looking decidedly worse for wear but we managed to do a bit of jiggery pokery and net ourselves five packs of six for £5 ... bargain or what?

On Sunday the weather forecasters got it very wrong. We were expecting rain but it actually didn’t turn out too bad and we managed to get an hour outside planting the rest of the primulas and finishing off tidying up the plant stand.
We also managed to find a spot for this little lovely among the greenery.
We put plenty of our bargain primluas in the new raised bed ... all purple to complement the existing planting ...
The rest were used to brighten up the tiny strips of border that we have in the front garden ...
Hopefully the slugs will leave them be.

That was about it for the garden. It was Mothers' Day, so time for a quick change and a visit to see mum, before getting back for an afternoon of cooking ready for the week ahead with a bit of a change from our usual crustless quiche recipe ...

Martin's working again this week and, after a really busy week last week, I'm hoping for plenty of nice gentle pottering ... my favourite activity πŸ˜‰



  1. You have a beautiful garden. I am waiting for a good weather too.

    1. Thank you Elena. We are really looking forward to spending some time out there relaxing, not working, this year. X


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.