Wednesday 11 July 2018

In the Garden - June

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It's been a fair while since I've done a monthly garden post, but June has just been so different in the garden this year, and I've taken so many photos throughout the month, that I thought it would be good to bring them all together just to see how far we've come.

Our garden has always given us plenty of interest and colour in the Spring but, come the end of May that has been pretty much it ... lots of lush green foliage but not much by the way of any other colour.

Over the last few years we have been gradually trying to extend the flowering season and this year we have definitely made our way into June.

We were away on holiday for the first week of the month and we couldn't quite believe how much the garden had changed when we got back ...
The pots and baskets of summer bedding had really filled out and the delphiniums were looking spectacular. At just £1 a plant, they have definitely earned their spot in the garden.
The irises that we'd bought from the Osborne House plant sales when we were on holiday on the Isle of Wight last year had also all come into flower and were looking just as we hoped.
The new raised brick planter we added to the patio last year had also really filled out with the pom pom clematis and the Rhapsody in Blue rose in full bloom.
This is the old raised vegetable bed which we used a bit of a temporary bed for bits we'd had to move out of the borders last year. I had intended to plant it in a white theme, but seeing it with this tangled mass of colour has changed my mind. It looks really cottagey, just the kind of look that really suits the garden.
There were even flowers on the wisteria that we planted against the new pergola at the end of last summer.
This yellow rose has been in the garden since I moved into the house over 20 years ago. Up until a year or so ago it did nothing as it was swamped by ivy. Having finally got rid of all the ivy we've been able to let the rose ramble as it wants to and has now spread pretty much half way along the garden fence and has been covered in blooms. I'm so glad that I never actually got round to digging it out.

The strawberries and sweet peas had also come on really well.
We always like to bring some form of memento back from our holidays and this time it was a treat for the garden.

Since we've been back from our holiday the weather has been amazing and we've spent a lot of time in the garden, with plenty of al fresco breakfasts, lunches and BBQs ...
The Rhapsody in Blue has really come into its own ...
Even the succulents have flowered ...
... and we've had a go at taking some cuttings ...
We've managed to use the new pergola seating area ...

... and have now fitted a sail to give us some shade from the afternoon sun ...
Coming into July there is still plenty going on ...
... including an impressive harvest from the Morello cherry ...
... and hydrangeas which we have managed to turn back from pink to lilac ...
So far ... it's looking like July is also shaping up to be colourful, assuming we can keep on top of the watering ...



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Elena. It certainly looks a lot better than it this time last year πŸ˜ƒ


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