Monday 1 July 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - June, 21-30

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Well, after what feels like weeks of rain, we have finally got to see some sunshine this weekend, which was great for us as we were outside all day on both Saturday and Sunday, with the craft stall, at the Lullington Open Gardens Weekend.

On Saturday it was roasting, the thermostat in the car said it was 34 degrees, and boy had it felt like it. Of course, everyone did that typically English thing, including me ... bemoaning the fact that it was just too hot. You'd think we'd be happy, after all, we'd been moaning for weeks that it was too wet and too cold, but no ... we just don't like extremes. Give me 24 degrees, a light breeze, some blue sky and then I'll be happy.

To be fair, the heat did keep people away from the event and Saturday was pretty quiet and we were pleased to see that hardly anyone had brought their dogs out ... though we had gone prepared with a bowl and plenty of water for any panting pooches.

Thankfully Sunday was a little cooler, though we were thwarted a little by a sneaky breeze that kept blowing all our bits and pieces about, but it kept us occupied ... picking up and rearranging. It was a far more successful and enjoyable day with plenty of people to chat to and there was a band ... a bit Fishermen's Friendsish, if you know what I mean. They were great, though they did get drowned out by the church bells for a while.

I spent most of last week crafting, getting ready for the weekend, and it is lovely having a bit more of a relaxing week ahead, though I would love to manage to talk Martin into a bit of a day trip to Kew Gardens, to see the glass sculptures ... wish me luck with that!

For now, here was what made me smile over the last week or so ...
Day 21 - The summer solstice ... officially the first day of summer. I spent a good chunk of the day gardening with mum, finally giving the privet a long overdue trim. I also spotted the first fuchsia in flower in the hanging baskets and what a beauty it is.
Day 22 - We had a really lazy day ... mainly spent sitting in the garden reading and just generally enjoying the sunshine.
Day 23 - We had a day out at the Ashby Steam Festival with my brother David, his girlfriend Alison and the little chap ... who, it seems from these photos, is very fond of his food!
Day 24 - I started off a very crafty week by grouting my mosaic hearts. This one was made with an old plate that I managed to pick up for just £1 at the Ashby Steam Festival. I just love how its turned out.
Day 25 - Today it rained ... torrentially ... all day ... but the forecast says its the last rain for about two weeks πŸ˜€. I spent the day ironing and making up these gift tags for someone's special wedding anniversary.
Day 26 - Yay!!!! No rain. I had another day crafting, sewing up peg bags and washing fabric ready for making beeswax wraps. Just look at this line full of loveliness πŸ˜€
Day 27 - Today it was definitely a beeswax wrap kind of day. It's the first time I've made them on my own and I was really pleased with how I managed. The kitchen was a bit waxy, but I just love how these larger single wraps, in these quirky fabrics, have turned out.
Day 28 - Today was all about getting ready for the Lullington Open Gardens weekend but I just happened to spot the first flowers on the morning glory, which I planted from seed. They just looked beautiful.
Day 29 - All set up for our first day with the craft stall at Lullington Open Gardens. It was hot, hot, hot, but this was the view looking behind us. Lullington is a really lovely little village and it felt lovely to be part of it, if just for a couple of days.
Day 30 - Our second day sitting in the sunshine on the village green at the Lullington Open Gardens weekend. Nice weather, lots of nice people to chat to, a band playing in the background and a picnic lunch ... a quintessentially English afternoon. What better way could there be to spend a sunny afternoon.


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