Monday 22 July 2019

Joy in the Everyday Ordinary - July, 11-20

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I'm pleased to let you know that, after my bit of a wobble in my last Joy in the Everyday Ordinary post, normal service is slowly starting to return.  I've managed to carry on with my new routine of getting up that bit earlier and getting my routine morning jobs done and out of the way before treating myself to a restricted amount of time on social media.

I've also kept up with my bullet journal and have managed to plan in a few bits and pieces that I want to get done and have managed to tick everything off my list, not necessarily on the original day planned, but hey ... πŸ˜€

Now it could start to get tricky ... Martin is off for the next three weeks, so I need to make sure that I don't fall off the wagon and that I manage to gently pull him along with me ... wish me luck 😜. Our plan is to do a massive blitz of the house and the garden, as well as having plenty of time to get out and about, and then we just need to keep it like that ... sounds easy enough.

For now here's what's been making me smile over the last 10 days ...
Day 11 - Today, in my new regime of getting straight, I spent a good couple of hours ironing and I emptied the basket ... wahey!! There was, of course, time for a wander round the garden though, where there is plenty going on, including the first beans, which is always a it of excitement.
Day 12 - This is the first year we've ever had nemesias in the garden and these have been amazing. The pot is topped off with a load of morning glory which we grew from seed. Every time I look at this pot it reminds of a very regal crown, I just love it and will definitely be having something like this again next year.
Day 13 - It was Saturday and we had the loveliest of evening at Jackie & Phil's, where we got to see Chris & Jenny and meet baby Emma for the first time and to also congratulate Rachel & Tom on their engagement first hand. There was loads of food, plenty of Pimms, it was a lovely, lovely night, where I was far more focused on the company rather than taking photos, so this picture is of the blanket and taggy that I made for Emma when she was first born.
Day 14 - Sunday was a lovely slow day. Martin and I made up a stack of beeswax wraps and I gave the box balls their annual trim whilst Martin painted a new obelisk for the garden. I've never had osteospurnums in a basket before but I think that I'm liking them very much.
Day 15 - Monday and with Martin at work it was time to break out the sewing machine ... after having completed my morning routine of course!! My first go at bookmarks, using up scraps and those pieces of ribbon that you find on the shoulders of ladies blouses ... I'm really pleased with how they've come out.
Day 16 - I am really 'on it' this week. Another day of sewing and 20 lots of reusable face wipes made up for the craft stall today ... and all packed away when I'd finished πŸ˜€
Day 17 - It was the dentist for me this morning, but I was up early and there was washing on the line and dinner in the slow cooker before I headed out at about 9.30am. The dentist was followed by breakfast with Jo sitting outside at a local Wetherspoons and a quick call in to see Jackie on the way home. This lavatera is one that we grew from a plug plant a couple of years ago and it has gone absolutely bonkers ... of course it's planted in totally the wrong place so it will be getting a serious cut back and possibly a move when it's finished flowering.
Day 18 - I had a big day out in Stratford-upon-Avon today, catching up with an old friend for our annual visit to Laura Ashley, where purchases always seem to be made, and lunch in what is becoming a firm favourite.
Day 19 - Another morning out today, this time it was the Y6 leavers' assembly at the school where I have been a governor for nigh on 20 years. It was a lovely morning, though there were a few tears amongst the audience and I have to confess I had a definite tingle going on inside listening to them sing ... especially 'You've got a friend in me'. Back home and time to start getting ready for the weekend's craft fair.
Day 20 - The first blueberries πŸ˜€


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