Thursday 31 October 2019

Isle of Wight Holiday diary #2 - Exploring West Wight

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Welcome to #2 of our Isle of Wight holiday diary. 

A big chunk of our first week on the island was spent taking it slow and exploring the less well known parts of West Wight ... well, less well known to us anyway.

Day 3 - Monday
We started our day heading back through Yarmouth to Fort Victoria, where I got up close and personal with the old pier ...

Now, I pretty much love a coastal pier of any description and, whilst an old disused pier always holds its own particular beauty I do always find it quite sad to them having fallen into disrepair.

There were the most fabulous views looking across to Hurst Castle on the mainland … somewhere that is definitely worth the walk out along the spit for a visit, if you are over that way ...

Whilst a good chunk of the fort has been demolished ... in the days before thought was given to how interesting this kind of place is I guess ... and the remaining buildings are pretty much all occupied by all manner of 'attractions', none of which were interesting to us, the site is fascinating ...

Being right on the very edge of the coast, whilst it was a glorious day it was pretty breezy ... especially up on top of the fort, but we really loved having a good wander around reading about the history and looking at the remnants of days gone by ...
From Fort Victoria we carried on down the west coast heading past Fort Albert, which can't be visited, to Colwell Bay, where we made our next stop.

We parked up here in a pay and display car park for an hour and had a bit of wander down to the coast, where we had a great view of Fort Albert looking in one direction ...
... and an intriguing looking promenade in the other ...
We both really wanted to know what was round the corner in the distance so headed off for a wander past the beach huts ...

We weren't disappointed to find a cracking view of The Needles in the distance ...

We were also fascinated to find the evidence of the 2012 landslide, which had completely wiped out the coastal path ...

In September 2015 the new stretch of coastal path was opened, bypassing the landslide, so it was possible to once again carry on along to Totland Bay. Whilst it wasn't that far we knew we were short on time so retraced our steps and decided to move down the coast by car instead.

At Totland Bay I was able to get up close and personal with another beautiful, but disused pier ...

We decided this was a great spot for lunch so grabbed the cool box and found a bench in the sunshine, overlooking the sea ... where we ate our very healthy lunch of home made Tuscan chicken salad, consisting of crisp fresh salad, chickpeas and grapes ...

... cooked chicken, bacon and pasta ...

... and a home made ranch dressing ...

It really hit the spot and boy ... did we feel virtuous ...
After a short walk along the prom and a visit to the facilities ...
... we decided to call it a day and headed back to Bramble Cottage for the evening.

Day 4 - Tuesday
It was another absolutely glorious day, boy the weather was really doing us proud. We decided to carry on exploring the coast of West Wight and headed for Freshwater.

We have visited Freshwater a number of times before, but never for very long. We've always just called in on our way back from somewhere else. This time we wanted to spend a bit more time there as it is just so beautiful.

Our route took us into Freshwater along the Military Road and the views were just stunning ... we just had to have a photo-stop ...
We were soon parked up in the car park across from the beach ...
It was truly beautiful ...
We headed right first ... past the beautifully decorated rain shelter ...
... and along the promenade ...
We could have been in the Med ... crystal clear sea, clear blue skies, bright warm sunshine ... it was absolutely perfect ...
We walked as far as we could, both really intrigued by the steps leading up into a doorway in the cliff and wanting to get a closer look ...
After spending a while just sitting in the sunshine, soaking up the warmth and listening to the sea we made our way back to continue our meanderings along the coast.

There are a number of National Trust car parks along this stretch of the coast and we called in at each and every one to see what we could find.

On our way into Freshwater I'd spotted this wooden archway from the road and this was our next stop ...
I definitely wanted to get a closer look and I wasn't disappointed ...

We did have a little bit of a wander along the coastal path to see if we could get to the beach ...
... but neither of fancied quite this many steps ...
Our next car park stop was the main Compton Bay car park and access to the beach didn't look quite so daunting ...
... so we grabbed the chairs, our picnic lunch and found a nice spot, where we could have another nice and healthy home made lunch with a view ...

We are not normally ones for spending much time on the beach, but it was lovely ... really quiet and relaxing and we stayed a while, before I decided to have a bit of a wander ...
Finally, it was time to drag ourselves away and head back to Bramble Cottage for another lazy evening.

We spent another two days exploring more of West Wight, with a visit to Faringford and the Tennyson Monument and a good mooch round the picture book village of Brighstone, but I will tell you more about those in my next post πŸ˜€


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