Monday 25 May 2020

Random Ramblings :: Last Week ...

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

How is it that, when we are still pretty much on lockdown, we are so busy? And not, as Bing Crosby would say ... "busy doin' nothin'" πŸ˜€

I think my knack of finding us things to do is slowly driving Martin crazy and we did agree to a 'day off' on Friday, followed by a long, lazy Bank Holiday weekend.

I did have a Governors' meeting which we did this time on Zoom, so that was another experience ... we are moving onto Microsoft Teams next time ... so more new technology to get to grips with.

I also had a shift at the food bank, and a very busy one it was too.

Adding on our fortnightly shopping trip, and accompanying errands, for us, the neighbours and mum and dad ... made it a week with not many days with nothing on the calendar ... I say that in the loosest terms ... for some reason I seem to have stopped writing things on the kitchen calendar, which is how Martin keeps up with what we are doing and when. I've even been a bit lax at adding stuff to my phone calendar ... I guess with so little happening it's easier to remember stuff. Not always as easy to remember what day it is though πŸ˜‚

In between these bits and bobs there has been lots of sewing going on ... mainly face coverings, of which I have made an absolute stack, with another pile cut out ready for next week ...
It was a real pleasure to have a small break from face coverings to sew up a few reusable face wipes for a bit of a change ...
I have also started to have a think about my next project ... which I will try and squeeze in amongst the face coverings ...
Whilst the weather was a bit mixed there were a couple of really nice days and we did get to spend some time in the garden generally pottering about, planting and potting on seedlings ... we are desperate to take delivery of two new raised vegetable beds that have been on order for ages, but we are trying to make do in the meantime.

The stars of the show at the moment are the clematis ...

... and the roses ...
We have BBQ'd and had lunch in the garden and I think that this is my favourite view for now ... just looking across the garden from the patio, with layers of planting and plenty to catch the eye ...
We also managed to have a go at another ... very bad for you ... recipe that I'd saved from Facebook ... I really must stop doing this ...
Oh ... one last thing ... remember my machine embroidered cards ...
Well these were delivered this week ... a set of postcards, which I love and will be very loathe to part with ... they will be saved for very special occasions ...
I also think that I may try and have a go at framing some of the actual embroidery, so watch this space to see how they turn out ...
Well I think that's it for now ... can't wait to see what next week brings ... if the weather is right and the mood takes us I think we may pop out for lunch one day ... I know the perfect spot πŸ˜€


1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.