Monday 18 May 2020

Random Ramblings :: Out out!

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€
Last Tuesday we went out ... not just out, but out out.

Not just shopping and not to the foodbank, but out for a walk ... yes you heard right ... a walk ... our first since lockdown.

Ok ... so we were picking up a few bits and pieces from the supermarket to drop off at Mum and Dad’s and I did need to try and find some elastic, for which we were going to try Wilkos. I also needed to drop off a parcel at the Post Office.

Wilkos were sold out of elastic so we headed into town for our walk, where we bumped into some good friends by our favourite Indian restaurant, so managed a socially distanced chat, before managing to find what I was looking for in Poundland, which was a real result.

For our walk we weren’t going far, just having a wander in our castle grounds, which are always lovely and today was no different.
We headed in across the bridge opposite the old town hall and wandered down past the castle, which is currently closed, and the succulent statues to find a new gravel bed has been planted just before the gates ...
There is always a fabulous view of the castle to be had from in front of the flower beds by the bandstand, but they were in the process of being planted so weren't as bright as normal ...
We headed over the river ... stopping to look back at the view ... we really are very lucky to have this right on our doorstep ...
We were heading for the wisteria covered tunnel, down past the outdoor gym, all chained up and out of action ...
... passing the geese at their ever popular feeding spot ...
... before heading across the park, past the bowling green and these absolutely stunning purple rhododendrons, making me wish I'd bought my camera, rather than just my phone ...
I had really wanted to see the wisteria and I thought we might have missed it at it's best ... but no ... it looked and smelled amazing ...
We spent a fair whilst amongst the blooms, taking in the scent and the colours ... it was really stunning ...
It was also lovely and quiet and peaceful ...
I'm so glad we got to see it ... and it was really nice being out ...
I headed away from the wisteria, leaving Martin sitting on a bench in the sunshine ...
... and carried on across the green bridge over the river ...
 ... stopping to take in the view ...
... before heading back to the car park over the Ladybridge ...
Whilst we haven’t really missed going out I have to say it was lovely to just have a bit of a change of scene.

Back home I got the sewing machine out and had a play at something new ... hence the need for elastic ...
By 9pm I’d had orders for 30 so no prizes for guessing what I would be spending the next few days doing.

I spent Wednesday at the dining room table giving the sewing machine a very good work out ...
It wasn't all work and no play though ... as this was delivered just in time for lunch ... and a very welcome treat it was too ... Thank you Jo, Steve, Hannah and Meg ...
Oh ... and that wasn't the only delivery that arrived on Wednesday ... this came too and I just love it ...
In other news ... there wasn't much gardening going on last week ... it just felt too cold, but there is lots coming into flower and the garden is looking good ... we just need some more sunshine ...

... and Martin had a go at baking some fancy blueberry cheesecake muffins with a streusel topping with last year's blueberries from the freezer. I'd saved the recipe to have a go at but was just too busy on the sewing machine ...



  1. A very interesting walk! Beautiful flowers! Delicious Blueberry Cheesecakes.

    1. We are very lucky to have such a lovely spot on our doorstep. I’ve got rocky road next on the baking list ... I’m sure there will be photos πŸ˜‹πŸ°πŸ˜‹


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.