Thursday 9 July 2020

Random Ramblings :: Finding our own new Normal

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Whilst there is lots of lockdown easing going on we are still in very strange times and trying to find a new normal that works for us.

Martin and I are both typically cautious ... none of those  investments that can go down as well as up for us πŸ™ˆ Maybe it’s a legacy of a huge part of my working life being as a risk manager and Martin doing lots of health and safety audits as part of his job, but weighing up the risks of the current situation we’ve decided that we are going to be waiting a good few weeks yet before we consider relaxing our day to day activities.

Don’t get me wrong, we won’t be locking ourselves away, but we will continue to be very selective with what we will be getting up to and where we will be spending our time.

I think my new mantra is ... just because you can doesn’t mean you have to.

Whilst we will continue to look for low risk days out, where we are unlikely to come across high numbers of people, making social distancing difficult, there will be no pub or restaurant visits for us for a good while yet.

We will also continue to keep in touch with friends and family but will be trying to keep to the 2 metre rule ... only relaxing to 1 metre plus when there really is no alternative. And our friends and family catch ups will continue to be outside for the time being ... with maybe the odd toilet visit allowed.

All in all we are still pretty happy doing what we’re doing ...

A bit of gardening ...
It was not that many years ago that after the month of May the only colour to be spotted in our garden was green ... we have worked hard over the last few years to try and change this and make sure that we have plenty of colour in the garden the whole year through and I think we're starting to get there ...

We've also been very pleased to get both of the new vegetable beds fully in place and planted ...

A bit of harvesting ...
We've already had plenty of strawberries and spinach. It's now time to harvest the morello cherries and we have iceberg lettuce and courgettes in abundance ...

A bit of cooking ...
Obviously, like everyone, we cook everyday ... but we've continued to try and find new and interesting recipes ...
... and we've made our first batch of morello cherry jam. We have used a new recipe this year which gives a soft set jam ... really delicious and will be great on pancakes or ice cream, but I think we will be going back to our old favourite for the next batch ...

A bit of crafting ...
I've finally made up my next new baby girl blanket and taggy gift ...

A bit of chilling ...
Early on in lockdown we got stocked up with borrowed jigsaws ... imagining ourselves spending wet afternoons sat at the dining room table doing them. Well, the table has been pretty much fully occupied with sewing but last week this was all packed away and we actually completed our first jigsaw in a couple of days ... we were quite pleased with ourselves ...

... And the occasional day out ... 
We already have our next foray in our minds ... just waiting for the weather to be on our side.

So ... please don’t be offended if I turn down an invitation or continue to keep my distance ... it’s not personal, it’s just how we are deciding to cope and keep all of us safe for now πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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