Monday 20 July 2020

Random Ramblings :: A whole lot of Random

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

My random ramblings are often driven by the random photos that I take on my phone or my iPad and today is no different ...

We seem to have had a really busy couple of weeks ... with foodbank shifts, a bit of gardening, actually getting up to date with the housework and the odd excursion thrown in for good measure.

Following the Government announcement last week about making face coverings mandatory in shops and supermarkets I have been inundated with orders and spent a full day at the machine, with the same on the cards for later this week ...

Following reading my latest 'Reading Corner' post a good friend let me know she pretty much had the full set of Jack Reacher books so I’m set up for the foreseeable ... I've just borrowed the first six for now though ...

She also may have the David Baldacci that we are looking for ... so another visit to the library may be on the cards.

There has been another new recipe tried on the recommendation of another good friend ... fish pie mac and cheese... very tasty it was too ...
The cherries are now all but gone, with the last few left for the birds. The tree has been very generous this year, after a serious prune last year, and we resorted to our old favourite recipe for another couple of batches of jam. I think we are now set up for a good few years ... if I stop giving it away to all and sundry that is ...

It’s onto blueberries next ... not sure what we will do with these as I still have a freezer full from last year but this first batch will be frozen to join them ...

The blueberry has done us proud since we’ve had it but there are a few stems with not many berries this year so I think there may be just a little pruning layer in the year.

This week we had a big day out to the garden at Sezincote, which I will tell you more about in another post ...

We also had a visit from Alison and Bobby and spent a lovely hour or so in the garden ...
Totally out of the blue we also had a very exciting contact from a lady who was working on tales away from the Western Front for the National Heritage Lottery Fund and wondered if we would mind sharing a summary of Will Sidney's war time story as she was interested in people who had been in the 29th stationary hospital in Turin and had survived the war ... We were above excited and are waiting to hear more once she’s had chance to read through all of my blog posts before putting together something for the website ...
Add in the fortnightly shop and errands for parents and neighbours and it’s made for a very full week ... 

Oh ... and we’ve booked a holiday for next year ... we are heading back to the very lovely Llyn Peninsular.

Next week looks very similar ... more time at food bank ... another day out catching up with another old friend, more sewing and hopefully a bit more time to spend in the garden.

I will leave you with this picture of this solitary evening primrose which has just come into flower. Being biennial they don’t appear in the garden every year and this is the only one which has popped up this year. Whenever I see them they remind me of my best friend Lesley’s mum, who is sadly no longer with us, as she let me pinch some from her garden. I really hope this isn’t the last we see of them ...


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