Wednesday 2 December 2020

The Reading Corner :: November

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I can't quite believe it is already time for another 'Reading Corner' post ... the days really are just flying by at a rate of knots.

November was another slow month on the reading front and I just managed to squeeze in the time to read one full book ...

The Enemy
Lee Child

This was another first hand account from Jack himself and it was the first of the series that I've read where we were taken back to Jack's army police days. It was really interesting to read about Jack's life before he was discharged.

It was also good to find out what actually happened to Jack's mum as I didn't really know much about her at all.

Having read a few of the series out of sequence it felt a bit strange getting to meet Jack's brother Joe and to start to get a feel of the dynamic between the two brothers.

I'm not sure that I was surprised to find that it wasn't long before Jack was rubbing authority up the wrong way and how far he was prepared to go to get the job done. I started to get the feeling that Jack's discharge might not be that long coming.

An awful lot happened in the couple of weeks timeframe that the book was spread over but in the end the 'bad guys' all got was was coming and Jack won out.

Whilst the book didn't end with Jack's discharge ... his need to do the right thing, whatever the consequences, did cost him dearly but you just have to have total respect for his integrity πŸ˜€


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