Friday 18 December 2020

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: December 2020 #3 Tree

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

The theme for this week's Chrimbley themed photo scavenger hunt challenge over on I live, I love, I craft, I am me is ...

"Tree - a snap shot of your tree, this year's, last year's, the black and white one of you as a tiny tot helping to decorate, the one on the village square, that shiny white one in the shop, a native tree bedecked with lights and bird feeders - any festive tree :)"

We always had a Christmas tree as kids and when I left home I went a bit crazy and bought a nice artificial tree and load of baubles ... from John Lewis!! I don't know what I was thinking, I must have had more money than sense πŸ˜€

Anyway, it's fair to say that the baubles definitely outlived the tree and it wasn't too long before I became converted to the idea of a real tree and Christmas really used to start with the drive to Cannock Chase to pick a tree. This soon tailed off a bit and we found somewhere a bit more local, but it was still a real big part of the build up to Christmas ...

Things have changed a bit over recent years. I no longer have room for a full sized real tree and this is a picture of Martin with the last tree that we bought back in 2014 ...
... and here it is back at home ready to be adorned ...
... a bit of an arty shot ...
Do you know ... I can almost smell the scent of pine that a real tree brings.

And here she is ... in all her glory ...
... with close ups of some of the decorations ...
This post is actually making me feel a little sad ... I'd love to have a tree like this again.

Since this tree we've spent a couple of Christmases away from home, either on our own or with family, so we've not bothered decorating at home, but when we have been at home we did have a small potted one, which Martin came home from Aldi with ...
It did really well and lasted for about three years, but this year it got a bit neglected in the garden and we have had to wave it good bye. 

I did post a photo of this tree last year, pretending it was ours, but it is a picture of one of the trees at Castle Howard, somewhere I'd wanted to visit for ages and we managed to visit during their Christmas 2017 event, which was just stunning ...
The next link up is due on 31st December and the theme is 'My own Choice'. As we are due to be away for Christmas I am hoping that I might find some photo inspiration for some new pictures, rather than having to raid the archives πŸ˜€



  1. That Castle Howard tree is magnificent; if I were to have to have a real tree it would have to look like this one! I do like the decorations from you last real tree; I think I like the decorations more than the tree!

    1. Thank you ... yea, we were really impressed with the Castle Howard display ... definitely worth a visit if you ever get the chance πŸ˜ƒ

  2. The Castle Howard tree is amazing! imagine decorating that one :D Lovely photos and stories, thank you for joining in - hope you have a lovely get away and get loads of pictures! x

    1. I bet it takes a fair while πŸ˜ƒ. Sadly our getaway has now been cancelled so might have to have a rethink on the photo front for the next challenge ... hopefully there will be more than just eating Christmas chocs in front of the TV, though of course that is not without merit πŸ˜ƒ

  3. The tree at Castle Howard is certainly large & beautiful & is probably befitting the opulence of the mansion. Thanks for sharing, take care & stay safe.

  4. The Castle Howard tree is certainly very opulent, it must have taken hours to decorate it. I like your own decorations though, especially the golden bell :)

    1. Thank you ... I would imagine it took ages and of course it’s just one of a huge number ... what a way to spend your day though ... getting paid to put up Christmas decorations ... I can think of worse ways to earn a living ... though I can imagine that you would have run out of steam before you got to,put up your own at home πŸ˜ƒ

  5. !!!I love your small potted tree

    1. Thank you Elena ... I’m really missing it this year. We haven’t really done much decorating as we were supposed to be going away ... but sadly cancelled now at the last minute πŸ˜ƒ

  6. That Castle Howard Tree is enormous when you compare it to the background figures. My little three foot one takes long enough Love all your ornaments though. Sorry your Christmas plans have fallen through. Ours too, this is the first time since 1986 that it has just been the two of us. Usually have all the family here with us. But we will make the most of it and are having a Zoom Christmas dinner in three different homes. πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

    1. Thank you ... yes, this will be our first Christmas ever at home so it will certainly be different ... thank goodness for the technology that helps all keep in touch so easily though ... just imagine if we could only correspond by Mail ... now that would have made it a very tough year indeed. Merry Christmas πŸ˜ƒ

  7. That was a lovely tree you had, and you got some nice photos of it too. The potted tree was cute, sorry it didn't make another year. Maybe you could put up a small twig one now that you're home?
    Oh wow, that tree at Castle Howard is just stunning, so beautiful.
    Thank you for your comments on my posts, I don't have your email to respond properly.
    Happy Christmas!

  8. Thank you and you are welcome ... it has been really nice to connect with some new blogging friends through the scavenger hunt ... it’s a really lovely idea πŸ˜ƒ


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.