Friday 14 May 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: May #2 ... Mirror

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I had a very fortuitous delivery this week which I knew would be just the job for this week's photo challenge from Astrid over at Dragon Stitches and Stuff by Astrid.

The word to inspire this week's challenge is ... Mirror.

I thought I'd start off with one of my very favourite blurry mirror images ... taken on a walk round the lake at the very lovely Stourhead on a very autumnal day a few years back ...

It was raining, so the reflection is far from perfect, but it's one of my favourites.

My next photo was taken on a visit to a local village open gardens and was actually what inspired my latest purchase for our own garden ...
We just loved the way that the mirror reflected the greenery back into the garden. It took me ages to find a mirror that I really liked and it took an age to be delivered, but last week it finally arrived.

I knew exactly where I wanted it to go and could imagine a similar effect to what we'd seen on our garden visit. Placing the mirror ended up being nowhere near as simple as I had imagined. My perfect spot, whilst tucked into the greenery, ended up reflecting our potting bench ... covered in a blue tarpaulin.

It took a fair while to find a spot where it blended in, but also gave a reflection of garden and planting from all directions. This is where it has ended up ... propped on the back wall of the brick planter on the patio. Everywhere else it either reflected the shed, the blue tarp or the walls of the house.

Just need to get it fitted into place now ... but that's a job for another day ...
I think it's going to settle into it's new home quite nicely πŸ˜€



  1. Your new mirror will be great as soon as it has settled in! I know what you mean about objects being in the way. Often when I look at my photos I think why didn't I move that out of the way??? Your first photo is wonderful; the blurry effect is just perfect. I love it.

    1. Thank you ... Stourhead is a beautiful garden with lots of reflections ... it was lovely In the autumn πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Ah, more water reflections by another of us. I "love" your garden mirror and now know what you were talking about before. Must admit that my purple mirror reflects the verandah ceiling when I'm sitting at our outdoor table, so understand working on the placement of it. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

  3. Thank you ... I love your purple mirror ... I was surprised how tricky it was to find a good spot πŸ˜ƒ

  4. I'm sorry I have not commented before, I thought I had but obviously just read your post and did not comment. I love your garden mirror, I always think they are beautiful and wish I could put one somewhere. Your water reflection is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you ... I must admit l sometimes save the photo scavenger hunts to do all the comments at once then sometimes forget ... or miss one. Thank you for,popping back πŸ˜ƒ

  5. Sorry I'm so behind in commenting, thanks for joining in.
    Such a beautiful mirrored reflection, those colours!
    I love the mirror you found for your garden, what a great idea. Is it covered or will the weather not damage it?

    1. It’s not covered. The frame is metal, so hopefully will stand the test of time without needing the attention that wood would. We just need to find a way to secure it so it doesn’t slip down as it’s a bit precarious where we are putting it πŸ˜ƒ


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.