Friday 21 May 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: May #3 ... Rain

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I wrote this post early this week as we are off up to Yorkshire today, so I was trying to get ahead.

The theme for Astrid’s Photo Scavenger Hunt this week is ... Rain ... and whilst we most certainly have no shortage of that at the moment, it’s not something I tend to photograph ... normally opting to hunker down and stay dry.

I did think I might end up giving this week’s challenge a miss but on Tuesday the heavens opened again and I decided to just take a couple of snaps with the iPad of the garden ... from the upstairs windows. Its all looking very green out there at the moment, with that initial flush of spring colour having moved on, leaving plenty of lush foliage, whilst we await the burst of bright colours that herald the summer season.

This first one is from the bathroom window ...

And the second is from our landing window ...
It always seems a bit of a shame that we can’t really see the garden from downstairs ... though since we had some alterations done a few years back we do now get a reasonable view from the kitchen window looking across the patio ...
It doesn’t look too bad from the back door either ...

Whilst I have to say I am more than a little tired of the rain now ... I am itching to get out into the garden ... as most gardeners say ... it is, at least, good for the garden.

I have everything crossed that we will get to see at least a little sunshine on our week’s break in Yorkshire 🀞🀞🀞



  1. Lovely garden. I see you have a laburnum. We had one at our previous house but I'm not going to plant one here as there are fields bordering the garden areas and I don't want to be responsible for killing the animals. Hope you find some dry weather in Yorkshire!

    1. Yes I know that a laburnum can be a bit risky but hopefully any passing wildlife is mindful to avoid the seed pods. Fingers crossed tomorrow maybe a bit drier ... at least he waterfalls will be looking good πŸ˜ƒ

  2. I love your garden. It looks so inviting from all angles. That is some rain cascading down your kitchen window. I too am itching to get out and get on. Enjoy your garden (when you manage to get out to it!). x

    1. We are away this week and I’m really hoping we can get on with things when we get back ... I have so much that needs planting out πŸ˜ƒ

  3. You have a beautiful garden!

    1. Thank you Elena ... it is certainly starting to come back to life now with all the rain we’ve had πŸ˜ƒ

  4. Looks a lovely garden Carol & I've skipped this week as we had visitors for the weekend & for some unknown reason a few internet glitches, so will have to do some catching up now. Enjoy Yorkshire & say hello to it from me, someone who adores it & being married to a Yorkshireman I know it quite well from many visits. Take care & hugs.

    1. Ah thank you Susan. We are in the Yorkshire Dales and have spent the weekend visiting waterfalls. The weather hasn’t been as wet as expected and we’ve managed to avoid the majority of the rain. I am also married to a Yorkshireman so we have been revisiting some of his old haunts. I am sure there will plenty of Yorkshire content featuring on the blog in the next few weeks so hopefully you will enjoy them. Take care and thanks for commenting πŸ˜ƒ

  5. Lovely photos! I know it's been raining a lot there and I'm sure you're tired of it, but it sure does make your garden look beautiful. I hope it's drier for you by now so you can get out there and do your thing!

    1. We are just back from a week in Yorkshire and there has been plenty of rain. The garden is looking very lush and green. We have a couple of weeks of sunshine ahead I believe so planting out is most definitely in the cards πŸ˜ƒ


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