Friday 8 October 2021

Photo Scavenger Challenge :: October #2 ... Candy

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

We are just back from holiday so have loads of stuff to do today so just paying a flying visit to Astrid's challenge for this week ... which is ... Candy 🍬🍬🍬

I wasn't sure I would be able to find anything but I kept my fingers crossed for a visit to Scarborough in Yorkshire a few years ago and I've managed to find just the one picture I can share with you ...

If you're from the UK I'm sure you will recognise this as the typical seaside town rock shop ... selling lots of very sugary confectionary but specialising in seaside rock ... a long round strip of teeth breaking sugary candy ... usually with the name of the seaside town showing all the way through.

They can normally be found in the vicinity of a beach that looks like this ...

Great fun as a child, but probably one of the worst ways I can think of spending a day now ... I would definitely take a deserted sheltered cove, away from the masses. Saying that ... there is something very traditionally British about this kind of scene.

Sorry it was such a flying visit ... see you all next week with some tales from our trip to Wales πŸ˜€



  1. There's nothing wrong with a flying visit! I'm with you preferring to be in a deserted cove rather than the traditional seaside beach, despite the candyfloss and sweets to be had!

    1. We did enjoy our day in Scarborough … but it’s definitely not somewhere I would go to relax πŸ˜‚

  2. That is a lovely picture of all that seaside candy and rock. So typical, as is that beach picture. The candy striped wind breaks fit in well with this prompt. I too would hate to be on that beach. Give me a quiet cove or beach any day. Just us and a few dog walkers would be allowed, love to see the dogs being so happy!!😊

    1. Isn’t it funny … as kids we would have loved this … though Skegness was always our ‘go to’ for beach holidays. At least Scarborough has a castle, a funicular and more than their fair share of piers πŸ˜ƒ

  3. Such a delicious selection of candy, yum!
    That is a rather busy beach, maybe that's why my parents always took us to isolated ones when we moved to the states?!

  4. Yes it doesn’t look very relaxing at all … though so very British seaside πŸ˜ƒ


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