Friday 22 October 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: October #4 ... Costume

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

I really did have to dig deep for images to fit in with this week's challenge from Astrid. The theme for this week is ... 'Costume'.

It would have been very easy to just drop in a few pictures of my favourite little chap ... who is just really getting interested in dressing up, with big plans for a grim reaper vibe for Halloween this year ... but I though I'd have a good trawl and see if I could come up with anything else.

I did go back a fair while in time but I was surprised with how much I found and in the end it was a case of having to narrow down my selection starting with ...

Las Ramblas ... Barcelona 2003 ...
... where these 'living' statues are pretty much an every day occurrence ...

Disneyland Paris ... 2005 ...
... where there are fabulous costumes everywhere you look ...

London PRIDE ... June 2006 ...
In June 2006 I spent a weekend in London with mum and my sister and we just happened to be there as the PRIDE celebrations were taking place and there were some pretty spectacular costumes on show ...

And finally ...

Prague - March 2007 ...
... where, when just wondering around the city, we stumbled upon the film set for one of the Chronicles of Narnia films ... it was pretty surreal ... if you look closely at the first photo you will notice some of the cast are actually looking at their mobile phones ...

Well I think that's me done for this week ... the theme for next week is Halloween, so maybe the grim reaper will make an appearance πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ



  1. Oh I LOVE the two gentlemen wearing their afternoon tea dresses - they just made me smile ear to ear!

    1. Back then PRIDE celebrations were quite new to me and we had no idea it was on. It was a real spectacle and the atmosphere was fabulous πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Such unusual photos. You certainly were lucky to stumble across the Pride parade. So hard to picture a favourite but I think it will be the people filming Narnia with their mobile phones.

    1. Seeing them filming pretty much in the High Street was pretty surreal. They’re was a full mock up of a London Underground station and lots of vintage vehicles, all mixed in with people in their costumes hanging around and tourists just walking through the set. Apparently it is cheaper and easier to film Lindon scenes there and then just superimpose the London skyline in afterwards. It was fascinating πŸ˜ƒ

    2. Please excuse my typos πŸ™ˆ

  3. I loved all your pictures. I kept thinking...that is my that one is. Though Giuseppe is just as I imagined him. I had the same thought as I always do seeing the fantastic living nose would itch!! I understand it is cheaper to make crowd scenes here in London as they just use bystanders as the extras whereas in USA they have to close off the streets and use proper 'Extras'.

  4. Thank you … Disney was a real spectacle of colour. I think the issue for filming in London for this one was the need to close off the road to film. In Prague they just cleared the tourists when they were actually ‘rolling’. In between times we could just wander through the set πŸ˜ƒ

  5. Oh wow, those costumes are so creative and original, especially the statues! Disney of course, doesn't disappoint. Those tea dresses, such fun! How lucky for you to see them filming Naria, I would have loved that. Thanks for sharing, they're great!


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