Monday 10 January 2022

Exploring :: Chatsworth … 20 Years of Christmas Magic

Hi there everyone πŸ˜ƒ

It seems to have a been a really busy month or so and blogging seems to have taken a bit of a back seat over the Christmas and New Year period. I’m hoping to get back into the swing of the things very soon but just thought I’d drop by with a quick post from our trip out over the weekend.

It is a little bit out of synch, as I still have lots to share with you from our breaks at the end of the year but hey … I will get to them eventually I’m sure.

Our big day out was a visit to Chatsworth House for the last day of their Christmas event … we took mum as part of her Christmas present. We had an early visit slot and, after a good run, we managed to get parked up nice and close to the house in plenty of time … giving us chance for a quick wander round the gift shop first.

Having watched a programme on the TV about the house getting ready for Christmas before we visited … we were looking forward to seeing everything for real.

When we were away with Lesley and Tom in December I was so envious of the photos Lesley could capture with her phone … I came back and treated myself to a bit of an upgrade. I’ve had a bit of a play with it outdoors and have been happy with the results … Chatsworth was a chance to see how it coped indoors and whether the zoom was anywhere near as good as my old Lumix camera.

Visiting early meant that the house was nice and quiet and I managed to get plenty of photos with my new phone … as you can see …

This year there wasn’t really an overall theme to the displays … it was more of a celebration of the last 20 years so did feel a little disjointed at times.

Whilst we did enjoy our visit and there were some beautiful decorations, I think personally I have preferred it in previous years when there has been more of a theme running through the displays.

After we came out of the house the weather had perked up considerably, we even had a bit of blue sky, so we had a good wander round the gardens … which are illuminated from dusk at the moment. It was a bit too early in the day to see it all lit up but it still looked as lovely as always …

After we'd finished our walk round the gardens we headed to one of Chatsworth's cafes for a welcome sit down and a very nice lunch, before giving the garden centre and farm shop quick visits before heading for home.

We'd had a lovely day, been very lucky with the weather but were all absolutely shattered by the time we got home ... time for feet up, bread and pate from the farm shop in front of Call the Midwife and Vera ... perfect Sunday evening πŸ˜€

So ... am I happy with my new phone for photos? Definitely a yes and no on that one from me. They are loads better than my old phone, which is great news. They also look fabulous on the phone itself and the iPad and I love the colours, especially the skies. The only thing that I think I prefer from my camera is the sharpness when viewing the images a bit larger.

The Lumix will be happy ... it's definitely not being pushed totally into retirement just yet πŸ˜€



  1. I use my cellphone for nearly all my photos these days - laziness mostly I have to admit too - it seems such a phaff to get my camera out and switched on and focused etc etc
    Having said that - the images are clear and good and so much easier to take!!
    How many trees(ish) were there? Seems that in nearly every photo there are numerous ones! Beautiful :) xx

    1. I must admit I have become lazy too on the photography front but phones have come on so far. There were lots of trees … didn’t count them though πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Ah, Chatsworth, somewhere that has been on my to-do list each time we are over & we've always run out of time & in the scheme of things now, we may never be over again. Your photos look lovely & although I don't have a fancy mobile & prefer my camera (a bit old school am I), glad you are enjoying yours. It sounds a bit like when we visit Castle Howard with garden centre & cafe. They make for a great day out, unlike anything here. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. I must admit I am more of a traditionalist on the camera front but the phone is so easy. We have been to Castle Howard at Christmas too … that really was fabulous πŸ˜ƒ

  3. Your phone camera takes fabulous photos. What kind of phone did you get? I am definitely due a new phone soon, and I do use it for blogging and photos more and more. Chatsworth looks absolutely amazing. So beautiful at Christmas, what a treat! Do you know if you can take dogs in the gardens?

    1. Thank you … it’s an iPhone 12 Pro. I’ve always had an Android and been happy but I was so envious of my friend’s photos … especially her selfies. It’s taking a bit if getting used to but I do like it … even though the price of it galls a bit. I’ve only ever had cheap and cheerful when it comes to phone contracts so this is a real treat for me. It’s also good as most of my friends have iPhones so can FaceTime without using up data. You can take dogs in the gardens and parkland. I think they have to be kept on a lead though. It’s definitely worth a visit and there is a lovely walk round Calton Leas and Edensor that we did a few years ago πŸ˜€

  4. Wow, what a truly beautiful place to visit during Christmas! I'm sure it looked amazing at night too.
    Cell phone are so much easier to take with you, I know I rely on mine rather than taking my camera most places.


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