Saturday, 1 January 2022

Photo Scavenger Hunt :: December #5 … Celebration

Hi there everyone πŸ˜ƒ

Welcome to the last of Astrid’s photo scavenger hunts for 2021. We are ending the year with the theme of celebration.

For me … when there is a celebration or a big get together I seem to have become the bringer of cheesecakes.

This one is a real favourite and normally is made up for family BBQs around Easter time … it is choc full of Maltesers and as the years have passed by it seems to have become more adorned with mini-eggs and malteser bunnies too …

A few years back I started making a cheesecake dessert to take to mum and dad’s on Christmas Day. I discovered Jane’s Patisserie website and haven’t looked back … starting out with this Terry’s chocolate orange number …
The following year it was a Millionaire’s shortbread effort …
… before getting a new piping nozzle and finding piping easier than I thought it would be in this rolo number …
Then there was a mega chocolate creation for a BBQ at The Sutherland’s …
This next one is a beautiful summer creation bought to us for a BBQ by Jackie …
… and last but by no means least here is this year’s Christmas Day contribution … this time I’ve had to make two. One for Christmas lunch with Lesley, Tom and Jess and another for a family Boxing Day get together … I think I may be a bit sick of it by the New Year …
There was no cheesecake last night for New Year’s Eve … we opted for a very nice meal, with very good friends, in a Norfolk holiday cottage after a walk on the beach in the sunshine. We opted for easy on the dessert front with a treat from Tesco’s freezer aisle.

This will be the last of my regular contributions to the photo scavenger hunt but I want to say a very big than you to Kate for starting it up and Astrid for carrying it on. It has been lovely to ‘meet’ some new blogging friends, who I hope to keep in touch with through 2022 and beyond.  Happy new year everyone πŸ˜ƒ



  1. Oh my, those cheesecakes. I love cheesecakes but rarely make them as there is just Beloved and myself and no family gatherings. They look spectacular and the photos are brilliant. Thanks for making me smile (and sometimes envious) of your edibles! Take care.

    1. I know what you mean … I would never make one just for the two of us 😊

  2. We also love cheesecake & I have an old simple recipe from the late 70's that has become a family favourite & it freezes well. Yours look scrumptious & very rich. My DD likes experimenting with different varieties too. I'll keep on reading your blog as I find it interesting, even though I've been AWOL of late due to all manner of silly things. Thanks for joining anyway, take care & hugs.

    1. They are always very rich … definitely for celebratory gatherings only. I’m glad you will continue reading … I will be following your blog too 😊

  3. Oh my word - those cheesecakes!

    1. I know … definitely just for special occasions 😊

  4. Happy New Year Carol - those cheesecakes look amazing - I hope the new year gives you plenty of chances for celebration.

  5. Oh my, they ALL look so delicious, you know how to celebrate! I am the cheesecake maker here, but mine don't look as fancy as yours. Thank you for joining in posting all this time, too bad we couldn't have a real send off with some cheesecake for all! Hugs to you.πŸ₯°


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.