Friday, 18 February 2022

Exploring :: Northumberland #4 ... Bamburgh

Hi there again everyone πŸ˜€ 

It’s funny I should be writing this post today … as I am tucked up at home, waiting for the onslaught of Storm Eunice, which is wreaking havoc around the country but seems to be a bit of a damp squib for us so far.

We are still in Northumberland for today's post ... it was Tuesday and Storm Barra was due to hit us at about 1pm, and there were more pretty strong winds forecast.

We decided to make the short drive to Bamburgh for a walk on the beach and round the castle ... aiming to head back for the comfort of Cuthbert's before the weather turned. We drove past the castle and through the village before taking a narrow lane on the right, which took us down to a car park just off the beach, giving us this view of the castle ...

We just had to literally nip through the dunes and we were on the beach ...
It was the perfect spot for the day's first holiday selfie, with the boys taking up their usual position at the rear. This is definitely one of my all time favourites ...
Once on the beach the views in all directions were pretty breathtaking ...
The beach at Bamburgh is vast ...
It was bleak, it was cold, it was windy and it was beautiful ... it was lovely to be out ...

Did I say it was windy? 
Once level with the castle we opted for the steep path up through the dunes ... which definitely got the hearts pumping ...
... but gave us some spectacular views back across the bay ...

We were definitely ready for a bit of a breather when we made it up to the castle ...

As we rounded the castle to begin to head back down and into the village we were faced with a cherry picker doing some repair work on the side of the castle, following Storm Arwen. For one awful minute I thought we were going to be told we couldn't go through that way and would have to retrace our steps. I was more than ready to play the 'my husband's on crutches' card, but there was no need. It was time for them to pack up anyway, as Barra was literally just around the corner.

We made our way back down the castle drive ...

... and round the side ... heading back for the beach ...

We actually ended up making our way back partly through the dunes ...

We ended up timing it perfectly. We'd had a lovely walk on the beach and up and round the castle. We got back to Cuthbert's just before Storm Barra hit and spent the afternoon sitting watching and listening to the storm … keeping everything crossed that the winds wouldn’t cause any more damage.



  1. Lovely post & grat photos of Bamburgh castle, somewhere we missed when we visited Northumberland. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan … whilst we didn’t actually go inside the castle on this visit we have done previously. There is loads to see … it’s definitely worth a visit if you ever get the chance πŸ˜ƒ

  2. That looks amazing, what a beautiful area! The castle looks like it's in good shape, I would love to see what the inside looks like.

    1. It is a really fabulous castle to visit … there is loads to see

  3. I saw Bamburgh Castle from the car when we travelled up to Eyemouth. Would love to visit properly oneday. X

    1. That whole coast is beautiful … Bamburgh castle is definitely worth a visit if you ever get the chance πŸ˜ƒ


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