Monday 20 June 2022

Exploring :: North Wales #7 … Beaumaris

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

It was Thursday and the last full day of our week's break on the Llyn Peninsular back in March. We opted for a bit of a 'big day out' and were heading for Beaumaris on Anglesey.

Martin and I had visited before, when holidaying on Anglesey back in 2017, and we had really loved it. We were really looking forward to going back for a return visit.

We managed to find a spot to park up on the road and whilst it was a little overcast the view looking back across to the mainland was pretty impressive ...
First stop was to wander back to the pretty pastel coloured cottages that we'd passed on our drive into the village ...
I can never resist a row of pretty coloured cottages and this is the view of them from a bit further along the road looking towards the pier ...

Whilst Beaumaris seems a small village at first glance, there is plenty to do here. There are lots of pretty little shops, full of lovely things and ideal for a good old 'mooch' ...
There is a lovely little cafΓ© in the High Street, which we couldn't resist visiting again ...
... and a fairly impressive castle ... which we have not actually visited, but is just lovely for a wander around the boundary ...

From the castle we headed across the road and along the front back towards the pier, where we were hoping we might be able to pick up an ice cream as it had warmed up considerably ... we were in luck ...
It was then time for a wander out along the pier ...

... and back again ...

... before heading for home ... taking in the viewpoint to try and get some good shots of the bridge ...

It was then back down the narrow country lanes to The Crossing for our last night in North Wales for a while ...



  1. Lovely and I've enjoyed your holiday Wales and wish we could visit UK again, but in these times, will it ever happen again!! Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan. I'm glad you've enjoyed my trip to Wales. I'm sure there will be more from Wales now we have bought our holiday lodge there, but first I have a trip to Kent to share with you. Take care x

  2. Lovely photos. Beaumaris looks even more beautiful than I remember. I think my last visit was 10 years ago and I'm sure that same little cafe with the bunting was there then. :)

    1. Thank you. Beaumaris is certainly a lovely little spot. I think the cafΓ© is called Beau's. It is sure to be somewhere that we will visit again. Take care x


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