Monday 27 June 2022

What a difference a day makes

Hi there everyone πŸ˜ƒ

Last Friday I took this photo of the self set poppies in the raised bed …

I took the photo to show my friend, who had kindly donated me some seedlings the year before last. They gave a bit of a paltry show that first year, but last year they did really well and were beautiful.

I saved loads of seeds and sprinkled them all round the garden and did get excited when lots of small seedlings started to show … none came to anything at all though … other than these which self set in their original growing position, I’ve even tried to transplant a few to try and spread them around the garden, but had no luck whatsoever … they have clearly decided they like it where they are.

This has left me with a bit of a quandary. The raised bed they are in was destined for a rebuild last year, but Martin never quite got round to it. It was a definite priority for this year and I’d even relocated all of the strawberry plants and the perennials that were growing in the bed in readiness … well, of course I can’t be emptying it now, not until the poppies have all flowered.

Interestingly I donated a load of strawberry plants to mum and they must have been loaded with poppy seed too as mum now has a bed full just ready to burst into flower.

Having taken my photo on Friday I couldn’t quite believe my eyes when I looked out of the landing window on Saturday morning …

Aren’t they beautiful? If you look closely you may even spot a plump looking buzzy bee investigating. I am hopeful for a fabulous display and will try again with spreading around for next year. I already have a list of friends and family wanting seeds saving so fingers crossed we all have more luck next year.

On the strawberry front it’s not been a good year … they obviously don’t like their new home, and have been very disappointing … I think I may have to move them back once the bed has been rebuilt.

On another note, still of the floral variety, it does look like it could be a good year for the roses … our rhapsody in blue is going a storm …
… and the pink one out the front next door is really doing well …
We still really have to get to grips with the garden this year. We have done a few bits, but there is still a way to go. We need a good run of decent weather ... but not too hot ... while we are at home, so we can get on top of things.



  1. My garden has just 'exploded' and in such a joyful manner, I will have to get it back into control at some point but at the moment I shall let it be ❤️

    1. Ours seems to have done the same Kate ... from 0 to 60 in just a few days. I must admit I enjoy the raucous chaos of it too. x

  2. Looking beautiful & certainly puts mine to shame. Love the Rhapsody in Blue rose. Take care & hugs.

    1. We spotted the Rhapsody in Blue rose in a garden we visited as part of an open gardens event. The lady of the house was out when we visited and the chap had no idea what it was. We had to go back the next door and do a random knock on the door to ask what it was. She didn't seem to mind. x

  3. Lovely photos, I read right back so have been to N Wales, Norfolk and Kent with you. It all looked so beautiful altho windswept. Loved you head gear. Blog hopped to you from Granny Smith quilting.

    1. Ah that's lovely, thank you. So glad you enjoyed my ramblings. I hope you will visit again. x


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