Tuesday 27 September 2022

Exploring :: North Wales ... Plas Brodanw

Hi there everyone πŸ˜ƒ

As you will all know Martin and I love a garden visit and get quite excited when we find a new one that looks worth a look … even more so if it’s a National Trust property or one where we can use our Gardeners’ World two for one voucher.

When we were at our lodge in June we watched a local programme on the TV where they were visiting the family home of Clough Williams-Ellis, creator of the Italianate village Portmeirion. A quick Google search showed it was only about half an hour away so we decided it was definitely worth a visit, even though it wasn’t National Trust or part of the Gardeners’ World two for one scheme. 

The property really is tucked away, down narrow lanes, away from pretty much everything. As we pulled up to park we could see it was set in the loveliest of spots … this was the view of the surrounding countryside from the car park …
… and this was the view looking towards the house and garden …
It costs £2 to park, but the cost of this is refunded if you pay to visit the garden or buy something in the cafΓ©. For some reason we found the car parking machine a bit complicated and were pleased to find we weren't the only ones.  Once paid up we headed towards those tantalising touches of turquoise to see what we would find …
We were soon in and exploring what is actually quite a small garden ...
... though it does feel bigger ... as it really is hard to tell where the garden finishes and the landscape begins ...
We wandered along the paving, edged with lush green ferns, leading us to the end of the garden ...
The levels of 'green' were a real treat as we'd being in the throes of a heatwave back at home. We'd had a summer where the majority of green had disappeared.

At the end of the garden there were glorious views looking out over the countryside ...
... and back across the rest of the garden ...
... and the side of the house ...
Other than the infinite number of shades of green there wasn't an awful lot of colour in the garden, but it didn't make it any less beautiful ...
The hydrangeas did give a few splashes of bright colour ...
... and there were a few hidden corners to explore ...
... and I just loved this view of the countryside beyond the garden wall, framed by the trees...
Having explored the garden it was time to check out the tea room, which was just the job. We weren't hungry enough to eat, but it's definitely somewhere that would be great for an al fresco, or indoor, lunch. The food all looked great and you can also visit the cafΓ©, without having to pay to visit the garden ... 
Whilst we were sat at the cafΓ© one of the ladies serving told us not to forget that we could also visit the house, which was open. Refreshed from our breather we headed along the pathway to the front door ...
We didn't actually need to ring the bell to announce ourselves, but isn't it fabulous ...
Inside it was light and airy, with some quirky features ...
... and some lovely views out across the garden and the wider landscape ...
It is only a small property and garden to visit, but so perfectly formed that it's definitely worth a look and a lovely way to while away a couple of hours on a sunny afternoon. We will definitely be back ... even if just for lunch πŸ˜€



  1. Definitely worth exploring & both the garden & views are superb. Visiting in Spring may be more colourful & worthy of another visit. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful photos... what a garden. The dream.
    What kind of house.
    Pure relaxation.
    Many greetings from Viola


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