Sunday 24 December 2023

Christmas at Attingham

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

For my last post before Christmas I thought I’d leave you with a bit of a festive feel from our visit to Attingham Park and their ‘All that Glitters’ event in the mansion house. 

Attingham is a National Trust property, which we pretty much pass on our way to our lodge in North Wales. We’d never visited before so thought this might be a good opportunity to check it out on a pre New Year visit across the border to check all was well. 

We’d booked a two hour time slot for our visit and also managed to book a mobility scooter for Martin … though in the end we could have managed without it as we were only really looking at the house … and the buggy service offered a door to door service. Whilst there are plenty of gardens and parkland to explore these were not on our agenda for this visit. 

It was a lovely crisp winter’s day for our visit, with plenty of blue sky and sunshine …
As Martin had used his mobility scooter to get to the mansion, and I’d had to wait for the buggy, we met back up at the front door …
The mansion was crammed full of Christmas trees. They were all decorated to reflect the theme of the room they were in and there were information board giving more detail. Unfortunately it was pretty busy so we didn’t really read the boards but the trees were all pretty spectacular … starting with this one in the entrance hall …
I did take rather a lot of photos as the trees were so pretty so apologies for the festive overload but here we go …
For a lot of the trees it was hard to capture the detail of the decorations when taking a photo of the whole tree … though some did lend themselves well to a full frontal …
Some were better as close ups …
There were trees in every room. In the dining room the display showed the aftermath of an after dinner altercation with one tree laying trashed on the floor. We did wonder if it had fallen over by accident until realised the intention …
The library …
This may have been the lady of the house’s dressing room …
I think this was the butler’s pantry …
… then the kitchen …
I’m guessing this must have been something to do with clocks or time …
… and this must have been the music room …
This must have been where all of the dressmaking, mending and needlework happened …
… and this was the last tree on the way out of the back door …
There were a couple pretty outdoor trees too …
Having had our fill of trees we stopped for lunch in the very busy cafe before having a quick look round the shop and the very festive looking stables …
Our last stop was the bookshop and whilst we didn’t buy anything I have to say it was probably the nicest National Trust bookshop we’ve been in with shelves and shelves full of books … and its very own Christmas tree …
It was great to finally get to visit Attingham and tick another National Trust property off our list. I can see us stopping off again another time to hopefully get to have a look at more of the gardens but for now it was a case of … next stop … North Wales πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for following our adventures this year. We shall see you with more tales of our travels in 2024 πŸ˜‚



  1. A lovely Christmas display & thanks for sharing. I do read your blog, but can't always get comments to appear, so fingers crossed at the moment. Seasons greetings, have a great day, take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan. There were so many beautiful trees. I’m so glad we got to see them. Wishing you and you family a calm and peaceful Christmas and a great New Year. Lots of love πŸ’œ


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