Wednesday 3 January 2024

2024 … Not quite the start we were hoping for πŸ™ˆ

Hi there everyone πŸ˜€

Just thought I’d pop on with a quick one to wish you all a Happy New Year. 

I know some of you will be excitedly looking ahead to what the year will bring and I know some will be wondering how on earth you are going to get through it. 

Whatever situation you find yourself in I hope you find the strength and support you need to make the best you can of every day … and that you are also able to recognise and take comfort from the love that you will undoubtedly be surrounded by πŸ’œ

It’s been a bit of a strange start to the year for us. After Christmas spent at home meeting up with friends and family we decided to see in the New Year at our lodge in North Wales, with our good friends Jackie and Phil. What Martin and I weren’t planning on was being struck down by the most stinking of coughs and colds. The germy onslaught plus the almost incessant rain did kind of put a bit of a damper on things a bit. 

Jackie and Phil, who by some form of miracle did not seem to be targeted by the germs, headed for home yesterday and I can’t quite believe the view I currently have …
It’s the first bit of sunshine we’ve seen since arriving last week. 

Martin and I are both still feeling pretty rough and he has retired back to bed for a nap and I’m not feeling like doing very much at all. 

In an effort not to beat by the lurgy we have been dosing up on every cough and cold remedy known to man and we did manage to get out and about a little bit whilst Jackie and Phil were here … starting with a visit to Penrhyn Castle to see the Christmas trees …
As there was a problem in the cafe … meaning no hot drinks were available … we braved the wind and the rain for a walk along the pier at Bangor … ending up in the cafe for bacon sandwiches and welcome hot teas and coffees …
There was then time for a quick call in at a couple of garden centres on the way back. 

The following day was New Year’s Eve and we stayed fairly local with a bit of mooch round Cricieth, where I managed to catch up with the Christmas post box toppers, which were fabulous as ever …
After a quick visit to Pwllheli for a light lunch and a quick visit to the arcade we got back to the lodge nice and early. We were thinking a nap might be a good idea if we were hoping to last till midnight to see in the New Year. 

Fortunately we had been very organised with the planning of our New Year’s Eve meal, with it all pretty much being ready and waiting for us in the freezer. We were going for the best impact we could get for the least effort. 

We took our time over our meal of a scallop risotto served in large scallop shells … courtesy of Tesco Finest … followed by beef wellington, from our local butcher, dauphinoise potatoes, cauliflower cheese, carrots and peas. We even had a frozen millionaires caramel meringue courtesy of Asda. 

Whilst the beef wellingtons weren’t the best … we did enjoy our meal and it wasn’t a massive effort to put together. We managed to keep ourselves going with board games and quizzes until midnight when we saw the New Year in with Rick Astley and the London fireworks, which were fabulous. 

The usual NYE cocktail making went by the wayside, which was a shame as we’d taken everything with us we needed to have a good go, but I just wasn’t feeling like drinking at all. I think we ended up heading for bed at about 1.30am so we didn’t do too bad. 

On New Year’s Day we had a bit of a drive round Llanystumdwy and Llanbedrog before having a walk on Quarry Beach, hoping for some respite from the weather in The Sandbar, but it was just so busy that we gave it up as a bad job and came back here to raid the fridge instead. 

We had been planning on finishing Jackie and Phil’s visit off with a nice breakfast out somewhere but on the 2nd Martin and I were feeling even worse and it was absolutely throwing it down so they decided to just head off for home and we just lolled around all day, with Martin just venturing out for a drug top up and some tins of Heinz tomato soup. 

We’ve done pretty much the same today and the soup went down very nicely. I am really hoping that tomorrow we might start to feel a bit better 🀞🀞🀞



  1. I do hope you now feel better. I'm impressed with how much you managed to do, even with the lurgy.

    1. Thank you. We are getting there slowly, but still have a horrible lingering cough and haven’t done much at all since we got back from Wales. I am building up to a day volunteering at our food bank tomorrow which will be a real test. I hope you are well. It was good to see you back in the blogging world. I am a bit behind with reading but will nip over and comment while I think about it … if blogger will let me πŸ’œ

  2. Thanks so much for your two comments on my blog! Hope the food bank volunteering went OK. What a valuable job to be doing. x

    1. Yes food bank went ok thank you … I certainly knew I’d done it though. I was shattered. On another note I have managed to comment on Where the Hawthorn Grows. I just clicked on the ‘no comments’ link and it let me comment there. X


Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. I love to hear what people think about what Martin and I have been up to.